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Лекция: "Lateness: eвропейската перспектива през понятието на Адорно"


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”Lateness: Европейската перспектива през понятието на Адорно”

на 11 май (четвъртък) от 16:30ч.

Лекцията ще бъде на английски език и ще се проведе в конферентната зала на Центъра на адрес: ул. „Стефан Караджа”, №7, ет.2.

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Nowadays, cynically, the clearest visions concerning the future of Europe are propagated by extreme-right parties and formations. These visions are frightening, yet paradoxical: these parties, ruling in certain countries (Hungary), and worryingly close to power in others (France, the Netherlands, Austria) outline cloistered, nationalist projects, or should I say pipe dreams, chimeras, which actually deny the very possibility of sound European perspectives. These much too far fulfilled fantasies are "clear" in a specific sense: their xenophobic, chauvinist and ethnocentric endeavour shows us what Europe could become in the lapse of one generation if we do not challenge them with reliable ideas vis-à-vis our own future.

Lateness is such a potential idea for Europe. It does not mean that the Old Continent is "late" on schedule compared to other regions and continents. It does not mean that it is "too late" for Europe, for this would mean that new perspectives are hopeless. Late Europe certainly does not mean that the Old Continent has already passed away. It is a perspective, a shift in perspective: originally used in musicology by Adorno, the concept of late style points at a specific behaviour regarding the past, the present situation and the future. At the dusk of their carrier, some composers (Adorno focuses on Beethoven) suddenly decided not to put the finishing touch to their oeuvre, but to make a step aside, and do something apparently very different. This did not imply a denial of their past achievements and definitely did not presage a form of panic-like rushing ahead. The shift resulting in late style portends a high mastery of heritage and a decided yet patient idea of where this late vocation might lead. Hence, late Europe denotes a perspective in which our long heritage (i.e. memory) is not defended against imagined otherness, but mobilized in order to face our very contemporary issues. It might encourage Europeans to set in motion their knowledge and skills, relying on perspectives opposite to extremist nightmares. I propose to examine the political relevance of the concept of lateness and highlight the contemporary stakes this concept might throw light on from an innovative angle.

Adam Balazs was born in Hungary in 1982. He has defended a Ph.D thesis in political philosophy in 2016 at Paris 7 - Denis Diderot University. His research is focused on the concepts of exile and emigration, the very distinction between them, and the respective experiences they shaped in the twentieth century, especially for East-European emigrés and exiles. After studying in Paris (Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne), Budapest (Central European University), Montreal, QC (Université de Montréal) and defending his thesis entitled The Exile Mind, he has engaged into postdoctoral research and teaching at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski's political science department. His current work on lateness and late Europe takes its place in the continuity of his research on exile and emigration. Regularly publishing in French and Hungarian, he is a young scholar betting on interdisciplinary approaches of contemporary issues such as migration and terrorism. Europe's place in the world, its future and European otherness are among his main subjects of interest.

Към новина: 05/05/2017 Лекция: "Lateness: eвропейската перспектива през понятието на Адорно"

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