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"New Approaches to Comparative History in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe"


2nd Annual Conference of the OSI-CEU Comparative History Project,
17-19 April, 2008, Sofia

New Approaches to Comparative History in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

Organized by the History Department and Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies, CEU, in collaboration with Centre for Advanced Study Sofia East-Central Europe/L'Europe du Centre Est. Eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift

Venue: Sveta Sofia Hotel, 18 Pirotska Str.


Thursday, 17 April 2008

17:00: Opening - Balázs Trencsényi, Constantin Iordachi and Péter Apor (CEU, Budapest)

17: 30: Panel 1, Chair: Diana Mishkova (Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia)

- Karl Kaser (University of Graz), “Historical Anthropology: A European Perspective”
- Augusta Dimou (Leipzig), “Transfer, Comparison and the Historian´s Handicraft”
- Béla Tomka (University of Szeged), “Comparative History in East Central Europe: Reflections on Missed Opportunities”

20:00 Dinner

Friday, 18 April 2008

10:00: Panel 2: Transnational Perspectives: Deconstructing National Canons

- Aleksandar Ignjatovic (University of Belgrade), “Narrating Architecture, Building the Nation: Kosovo/Kosova and Transylvania/Erdély as Resource of Nationalistic Culture”
- Zsombor Tóth (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj), “Tripartite Hungary – A Tripartite History? The Importance of Regional Discourse in Building the National Past: A Case Study”
- Vladislav Sotirovic (University of Vilnius), “The Idea of Pan-Slavic Ethnolinguistic Kinship and Reciprocity in Dalmatian and Croatian Literature and Historiography, 1477-1706”

13:00 Lunch

14:00: Panel 3: Transcending the Nation in Historiography

- Ivan Kurilla (Volgograd State University), “Writing National and Regional History Textbooks in Russia: Challenges and Possible Solutions”
- Oleksandr Zaytsev (Catholic University of Lviv), “Ukrainian Integral Nationalism in Comparative Perspective, 1920s-1930s”
- Dimitar Grigorov “Propaganda Images and Popular Perceptions of the Balkan Socialist State and Party Leaders after the Second World War: Tito and Ceacescu”

Coffee break

- Valery Yevarouski (Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences, Minsk), “We are the People! The Belorussian Sonderweg (‘Origins’ and Genealogies)
- Oleg Zhernokleyev (Pre-Carpathian University, Ivano-Frankivsk), “National Sections of Austrian Social Democracy (1890-1918): The Experience of Comparative Historical Research”
- Calin Cotoi (University of Bucharest), “National Identity and the Left: Romania, Bessarabia and the Russian Empire, 1900-1945” Goran Hutinec (University of Zagreb), “Attitudes towards Territorial and Ethnic Borders and Minorities (1918-1948): A Comparison of Croatian and Hungarian Authoritarian and Totalitarian Regimes”

19:00 Dinner

Saturday, 19 April 2008

10:00 Panel 4: Empires: A Framework for Entanglements

- Ekaterina Boltunova (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow), “Imperial City Topography: Moscow and St. Petersburg in the 17th and 18th Centuries and the Perception of Symbolism in Comparative Perspective”
- Zenonas Norkus (University of Vilnius), “The Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Retrospection of Comparative Historical Sociology of Empires” Gabriel Leanca (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iasi), “Challenging the National Paradigm in the Study of the Eastern Question: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects
- Evelina Razhdavichka (Institute for Balkan Studies, Sofia), “Nineteenth-century Balkan Fairs: Commercial Centres in the Periphery”

13:00 Lunch

14:00: Panel 5: Social History: Towards a Supra-national History?

- Andrei Emilciuc (State University of Moldova, Chisinau), “The Statute of Porto Franco in Eastern and Southeastern Europe in the 19th Century: Historiographic Aspects” Ates Uslu (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne & Budapest-ELTE), “19th Century Opera as a Matter of Comparative History”
- Ivo Goldstein (University of Zagreb), Zagreb in the Interwar Period: A Comparison of Centres and Peripheries Liesbeth van de Grieth (University of Utrecht), “Transitional Politics: Political Reconstruction in the Soviet Zone of Occupation and Romania, 1944 – 1949”

Coffee break

16:30: Panel 6: Teaching the Comparative History of Eastern Europe

- Christopher Karadjov (University of California, Long Beach), “Teaching about Transitional Media: Importing Western Press Concepts into Eastern European Borderlands”
- Dmitrii Sidorov (University of California, Long Beach), “Visualizing Eastern Europe and Russia in North American World Regional Geography Textbooks: Teaching as Engaging”
- Vlatka Velcic (University of California, Long Beach), “Translating Eastern European Balkanization through Literature: Are American Students Ready for ‘Other’ Diversity?”

18:00: Concluding Panel: Strategic Planning

20:00 Dinner

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Departure of participants

Venue: Hotel “Sveta Sofia” 18, Pirotska Str. Sofia Bulgaria

Working language: English

Contact person/Assistance:
Adriana Gotsova CAS Office Manager
Centre for Advanced Study Sofia
70, Neofit Rilsky Str.
1000 Sofia
Tel: (+359) 2 980 3704
Fax: (+359) 2 980 3662
Website: www.cas.bg

Към новина: 03/04/2008 "New Approaches to Comparative History in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe"

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