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22nd Annual Congress of the European Economic Association


The Central European University (CEU) and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) are pleased and honored to host next joint European meeting of the European Economic Association and the Econometric Society (EEA/ESEM).

The EEA/ESEM joint meeting will feature the work of the leading scholars in economics and related fields, and will provide an excellent opportunity to present your own research results.

An exciting social program, presenting some of the unique highlights of the historic city of Budapest is included, and a wide range of optional programs will also be available.

Venue: Budapest, Hungary
Date: August 27 - 31, 2007

Further information HERE.

Към новина: 24/01/2007 22nd Annual Congress of the European Economic Association

2006 (cc) Creative Commons License. A project of the Centre for Advanced Study, financed by Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education.
Created by Netage.bg.