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Summer School in Methods and Techniques in Political Sciences

CAS 04/01/2008

In 2008, the European Consortium for Political Research will organise its third Summer School in Methods and Techniques in cooperation with the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

It is targeted at post graduate students, teachers and researchers in political science and related disciplines.

Wednesday 30 July - Saturday 16 August 2008

Refresher Courses (three days: 30 July - 01 August)
These courses offer an intensive introduction/ refresher on more quantitative and formal tools and software environments. They are taught by experienced instructors from the University of Ljubljana. They are particularly recommended for participants who have little formal training and wish to take one of the main courses, but may also be attended on a stand alone basis.

Introduction to SPSS
Introduction to R
Maths refresher (I): Linear algebra & calculus
Maths refresher (II): Probability
Inferential Statistics

Research Design Seminars (one day: 02 August)
Participants will have the opportunity to attend up to four of the following seminars, each of which is scheduled to last ninety minutes. The purpose of this series of seminars is to offer a 'package' of useful reflections, resources and practical tips at the different stages of one's research.

A. Linking theories, methods and data in political science.
B. How to manage one's research planning.
C. How to write a research proposal.
D. How to write a journal article.
E. How to present qualitative data.
F. Visualising quantitative data.

Main Courses (two weeks: 04 August - 16 August)

6. Mathematical concepts and formal modelling
7. Configurational comparative methods: QCA and fuzzy sets
8. Multiple regression analysis
9. Multivariate analysis and cross-national survey analysis
10. Network analysis
11. Case study analysis
12. Multilevel analysis
13. Expert interview (interview techniques) & documentary collection and management
14. Mixed methods: methodology and applications
15. Event history and survival analysis
16. Advances in survey methodology: comparative survey design and online survey design
17. Quantitative text analysis
18. Interpretive methods: the making of qualitative data and analysis
19. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling
20. Interactive qualitative data: online and offline ethnography, focus groups and interviewing

For detailed course descrptions and further information on tuition fees, accommodation and the application process, please go directly to the ECPR website.

2006 (cc) Creative Commons License. A project of the Centre for Advanced Study, financed by Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education.
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