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Стипендиантска програма в областта на медийните изследвания, 2007-2008 г.

ЦАИ 16/11/2006

The Donald McGannon Communication Research Center at Fordham University invites applicants for its new Visiting Research Fellows Program. Applicants are invited to apply for either a one semester or two semester appointment as a Visiting Research Fellow at the Center. The appointment carries no stipend; however, Fellows enjoy the benefits of a research affiliation with the McGannon Center, including office space at the Center on Fordham’s Bronx campus; computer, telephone, and Internet access; and access to all Fordham University library and electronic resources. Fellows also have access to the McGannon Center’s administrative support, as well as to the resources of New York City, one of the media capitals of the world.

Fellows will have the opportunity to participate in McGannon Center events (such as conferences and seminars), with the Center covering travel expenses related to such participation, as well as the opportunity to collaborate on Center research projects. Fellows also will have the opportunity to take part in the activities of the university as a whole, including the activities of related enterprises
such as the Fordham Law School’s Information Law and Policy Research Center and the Fordham Business School’s Center for Communication.

The Center seeks candidates with research interests that overlap with the Center’s areas of interest in order to maximize collaborative opportunities during the Fellowship period. Information about the Center’s activities can be found at www.fordham.edu/mcgannon. The ideal candidate will be researching public interest-related regulation and policy issues pertaining to new media. The Center also seeks candidates with an interest in international policy issues. Fellows will be expected to offer one lecture in their area of specialization during the Fellowship period and to contribute one research paper to the Center’s Working Paper series.

The Fellowship program is open to university faculty, post-docs, and ABD graduate students from any disciplinary background. International applicants are particularly welcome. Candidates wishing to apply for Fellow status for the 2007-2008 academic year should submit the following:

1. A letter of application and intent to be in residence in the New York City area for the duration of the requested Fellowship period (Fall, 2007, Spring, 2008, or both).
2. A two- to three-page description of current research activities and of how residency at the McGannon Center could assist in the completion of these activities.
3. A current curriculum vitae.
4. For graduate student applicants, names and contact information for three faculty references.

Completed applications can be submitted electronically to: Visiting Fellows Program, Donald McGannon Communication Research Center, at or in hard copy to:

Visiting Fellows Program
Donald McGannon Communication Research Center
Fordham University
441 E. Fordham Rd.,
Bronx, NY 10458

The application deadline for the 2007-2008 academic year is March 1, 2007. Applicants will receive notification by May 1, 2007.

Note: The McGannon Center can only accommodate 1-2 Research Fellows per academic year. Questions or requests for additional information can be directed to:
Philip M. Napoli, McGannon Center Director, at or at 718-817-4196.

2006 (cc) Creative Commons License. A project of the Centre for Advanced Study, financed by Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education.
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