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"Transformation and the Dynamics of (Radical) Change: Insights from Political Theory and Philosophy"

CAS 30/05/2008

The School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy at Queen's University Belfast is seeking paper proposals for a two-day conference (28th-29th November 2008)

Transformation is a seemingly ubiquitous concept within the field of political theory and philosophy. Whilst some idealize transformation as a source for progress and the improvement of the human condition, others frame it as a disruptive and unsettling process which can damage the social, political and natural elements of our world.

Paper proposals should include a tentative title, an abstract (200-300 words) and details of the author's institutional affiliation and contact information. Proposals should address any of the following issues/topics:

- Factors and actors in transformation: Pluralism, nationalism, individualism, collectivism, recognition, complexity.

- Forces of transformation: Globalization, economic change, social change, processes, transformation of conflict.

- Objects and subjects of transformation: ideas; norms; values; ideology; the concept of transformation itself; state and sovereignty; government; governance; social structures and processes; environment and nature; human beings, including the self.

- Evaluations of transformation: theories, approaches, critiques and the possibility of a broader discourse on transformation.

All papers should make an explicit contribution to the establishment of a broader discourse on transformation and the dynamics of (radical) change.

The organizing committee welcomes papers from scholars in all fields and also encourages submission from early-stage academics, as well as from postgraduate students.

The deadline for submissions is June 15th, 2008.

Please send your submission to:

For further information click HERE

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