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CRASSH's Visiting Fellowships

CAS 18/10/2010

Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities' (CRASSH) Visiting Fellowships are designed to support the Centre's thematic activities. Visiting Fellowships can be awarded for periods of ten weeks in any one Cambridge term during which Fellows are expected to be in residence in Cambridge. Visiting Fellows take regular part in and contribute to the Centre's programme of events and are a highly valued part of the interdisciplinary research community at the Centre.

The current competition is for fellowships to be taken up during academic year 2011-12 when the theme will be Cultures and Politics of the Transregional. The deadline for applications is Monday 1 November 2010.

Further information about the programme and online application can be found at

Michelle Maciejewska
Assistant Administrator
17 Mill Lane
Cambridge CB2 1RX
Tel.+ 1223 765279
Fax.+ 1223 765276

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