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Намерени резултати: 482


Borislav Dimitrov (English version)


Levinas' Metaphysics (English version)

Monetary and Fiscal Policies in South-East Europe. Historical and Comparative Perspective (English version)

"Settlement life in The Balkans and Asia Minor through the centuries" (English version)




Метафизиката на Левинас: Правото на Другия (Bulgarian version)

Levinas' Metaphysics: Right of the Other (English version)

"Идентичности: национални, регионални и лични" (Bulgarian version)

"Identities: National, Regional and Personal" (English version)

"От имиграционна политика към миграционно управление" (Bulgarian version)

"From Immigration Politics to Migration Management" (English version)

Европейската научна фондация финансира международна конференция (Bulgarian version)

Call for Proposals - ESF Research Conferences 2008 (English version)

"Life in Motion: Shifting Spaces, Transcending Times, Crossing Borders" (English version)

"Global Labor History and the Question of Freedom and Unfreedom" (English version)

"The 'New' 'Liberal' Europe?: Speculations, Fears, Visions" (English version)

"Globalization, Digitization, Access, and Preservation of Cultural Heritage" (English version)

Стипендиантска програма в областта на медийните изследвания, 2007-2008 г. (Bulgarian version)

Visiting Fellows Program in Media Studies (English version)

Покана за участие: "Политики на изключване и завръщане: Формирането на диаспорa като феномен" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers - EUROFOR Conference in Budapest 04/07 (English version)

Покана за участие в "Социология на риска и несигурността" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: "Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty" (English version)

Call for Papers: "Beyond the Nation?" (English version)

"Устната история - изкуството на диалога" (Bulgarian version)

"Oral History - The Art of Dialogue" (English version)

Call for Applications: Sunbelt Social Networks Conference (English version)

"Градски артефакти: Видове, практики, циркулации" (Bulgarian version)

"Urban Artefacts: Types, Practices, Circulations" (English version)

"Muslim Diasporas: Religious and National Identity, Gender, Cultural Resistance" (English version)

Стипендии за изготвяне на учебни курсове (Bulgarian version)

Curriculum Research Fellowships (English version)

"The Idea of Solidarity in Philosophical and Social Contexts" (English version)

Покана за участие в международна конференция "Справедливост" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: International Conference "Justice" (English version)

Call for Papers: The Legacy of the Chicago School (English version)

"Divorce, Women and Families in the Balkans (XVIIIth-XXth centuries)" (English version)

Labouring Feminism and Feminist Working-Class History in Europe and Beyond (English version)

From a Regional Historical Event to a Place of National Memory: Batak and Constructions of History in Bulgaria (English version)

Europe: Integration and/or Fragmentation? 22-23 June, Ljubljana (English version)

'Globalization and its Impacts and Localities'. September 05-07, 2007 (English version)

Conference on Higher Education: "Funding, Equity and Efficiency". November 21-24, 2007 (English version)

CFP: Second Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies. 9 - 10 November 2007 (English version)

CfP: Panel, Consumer Regimes and Cultures in the Enlarged Europe (English version)

CFP: 'Alternative Expressions of the Numinous' Conference, 17 - 19 August 2007 (English version)

CFP: "Nationalism, East and West:Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood", April 2008 (English version)

Annual Conference of the British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies (English version)

"The concept of self-understanding in the context of globalisation" (English version)

"The Genesis of Nationalism in Europe" (English version)

"Overcoming the Iron Curtain: Visions of the End of the Cold War in Europe, 1945-89" (English version)

"Контекстуализиране на класическото минало: ..." (Bulgarian version)

"Contextualizing Classics: Renewal of Teaching Practices and Concepts" (English version)

Call for Papers: Distinktion, Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory (English version)

Обява за проектен координатор (английски език) (Bulgarian version)

Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS) is seeking for Project Coordinator (English version)

"Justifying War: Popaganda, Politics and War in the Modern Age" (English version)

Call for Papers: "Evil, Law and the State" (English version)

Call for Papers: Self-Representation and Public Culture of the Balkan Urban Classes (English version)

"The Silence about Communism in Central and Southeastern Europe" (English version)

10 Postdoctoral Fellowships for Academic Year 2008/2009 (English version)

"Sociology and Law. The 150th Anniversary of Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)" (English version)

Research Presentation: Institute of Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research (English version)

"The Idea of Education" (English version)

Postgraduate Studentships in Philosophy and History & Philosophy of Science (English version)

Call for Papers "Perspectives from the Periphery" (English version)

"Отвъд въобразената уникалност: Национализмът в сравнителна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)

"Beyond Imagined Uniqueness: Nationalisms in Comparative Perspective" (English version)

Call for Papers: "Embodiment and Identity" (English version)

Fellowships in the Study of Culture (English version)

"Източна и Централна Европа в Студената война 1945-1989" (Bulgarian version)

"East-Central Europe in the Cold War 1945-1989" (English version)

"Performing Biographies: Memory and the Art of Interpretation" (English version)

"Cultural, Political and Religious Ideologies and the Appraisal of New Media" (English version)

"Миграцията от и към Югоизточна Европа: Културно взаимодействие..." (Bulgarian version)

"Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe: ..." (English version)

"The 1989 Revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe: Twenty Years On" (English version)

Лятно училище по антропология, етнография и сравнителен фолклор на Балканите (Bulgarian version)

3rd Konitsa Summer School in Anthropology, Ethnography and Comparative Folklore of the Balkans (English version)

Call for papers: Social and Spiritual Aspects of Material Culture (English version)

"Does the Past Matter?" (English version)

"Changing Dynamics of the Danubian Region – New Neighbourhood Policy in the EU" (English version)

"New Approaches to Comparative History in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe" (English version)

Информационен бюлетин на Център за академични изследвания за 2007 г. (Bulgarian version)

Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945 (English version)

"The Making of the Humanities" (English version)

"Transformation and the Dynamics of (Radical) Change: Insights from Political Theory and Philosophy" (English version)

"Social Integration and Cohesion in Post-Communist Europe" (English version)

Research mobility scheme: CEU-HESP Comparative History Project (English version)

"Freedom and Democracy: European Perceptions, European Perspectives" (English version)

"Critical studies of the new social inequalities" (English version)

Call for Participants "Markets as Networks" (English version)

Totalitarian Laughter: Cultures of the Comic under Socialism (English version)

"Representing Political Figures in Mass Media (XVIIIth – XXIst century)" (English version)

"Europe Before and After 1989. Trans-national and comparative perspectives on Eastern & Western Europe" (English version)

Religions and Values in Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

Call for Papers: "Religion, Secularism and Nationhood" (English version)

Scientific co-operation between research groups in Switzerland and Eastern Europe (English version)

"The Ghosts of the Past: everyday life 20 years after the Fall of Communism" (English version)

Покана за участие: "Нови подходи към Студената война" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: Cold War Interactions Reconsidered (English version)

Call for Applications: Regimes of Historicity Project (English version)

"The Politics of Inequality and Difference: Critical Approaches in Anthropology and Sociology" (English version)

"Political Mythology and History" (English version)

"Post-Communism and the New European Identity" (English version)

"William Gladstone, Victorioanism, and Nationalism in Historical and Literary Perspective" (English version)

Международна конференция "Едгар Алън По - маргинален и универсален" (Bulgarian version)

"Regime Change and Transitions across the Danubian Region: 1989 – 2009" (English version)

"Twenty Years After: Central and Eastern European Communist Regimes as a Shared Legacy" (English version)

"Borders: a User Manual" (English version)

"Memory Politics: Education, memorials and mass media" (English version)

Advanced Academia Programme (English version)

"Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning" (English version)

Call for papers: "Tito: Perceptions and Interpretations" (English version)

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2010 - 2011 (English version)

"The History of Families and Households: Comparative European Dimensions" (English version)

"Отвъд методологическия национализъм: Изследвания на транснационалните пространства..." (Bulgarian version)

"Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Researching Transnational Spaces, Cross-Border Diffusion, and Transnational Histories" (English version)

"Biography and Identity: Dilemmas and Opportunities" (English version)

The Totalitarianisms of the 20th Century in Comparative Perspective (English version)

6th CEU Conference in Social Sciences (English version)

"Monetary Policy during Economic Crises: a Comparative and Historical Perspective" (English version)

"Applied and Experimental Philosophy in Knowledge Based Society (East and West)" (English version)

5th Doctoral Conference in Thessaloniki (English version)

Тринадесетата международна конференция на Стопанския факултет, СУ (Bulgarian version)

"Myths of the Other in the Balkans. Representations, social practices and performances" (English version)

Технологии и отношенията Изток-Запад: Трансфери, паралелни истории и европейската лаборатория" (Bulgarian version)

"Technology & East-West relations: Transfers, parallel histories, and the European laboratory" (English version)

"От тоталитаризъм към демокрация в Централна и Източна Европа" (Bulgarian version)

"From Totalitarianism towards Democracy in Central Eastern Europe" (English version)

"Изковаване на нацията: прояви и ритуали във (въз)производството на нацията" (Bulgarian version)

"Forging the Nation: Performance and Ritual in the (Re)production of Nations" (English version)

"Датиране на българските пергаментови ръкописи. Статистико-икономически аргументи" (Bulgarian version)

Advanced Academic Fellowship Programme of CAS (English version)

Visiting Fellowships in Human Rights (English version)

"Invisible Frontiers in Post-Ottoman Cities: Edirne-Niṣ" (English version)

2011 OHS Annual Conference. Oral History and Regeneration (English version)

Call For Papers: The Balkans in the Cold War (English version)

Five Postdoctoral Fellowships (English version)

"A Mosaic of Margins: Ethnicity, Religion and Belonging" (English version)

"Митотворчество и митоборчество в историята и хуманитарните науки" (Bulgarian version)

"Myth-Making and Myth-Breaking in History and the Humanities" (English version)

Студентска конференция "Справянето с близкото минало на пост-диктаторски общества" (Bulgarian version)

Student Conference "Reckoning with the Recent Past in Post-Dictatorial Societies" (English version)

Тwo doctoral conferences in European Historical Dictatorship (English version)

"Ritual and Sincerity: Certitude and the Other" (English version)

"Inequality and Diversity in European Rural Areas" (English version)

"Anthropology Otherwise: Rethinking Approaches to Fieldwork in Different Anthropological Traditions" (English version)

"Криза: Разриви, взаимодействия и закономерности в Централна и Източна Европа" (Bulgarian version)

"Crisis: Interruptions, Reactions and Continuities in Central and Eastern Europe" (English version)

"Urban Development and Politics in Europe and Russia" (English version)

Call for Papers: "Depiction and Construction of the "Other": Islamic Cities in the Eyes of European Travellers" (English version)

"Twenty Years of Macedonian Independence" (English version)

Call for Papers: "Nationalism and the City" (English version)

Franklin Research Grants (English version)

Лекция "Проблемите на световното икономическо управление" (Bulgarian version)

Национална конференция „Младежта на България, европейската ни идентичност и иновативни постижения” (Bulgarian version)

"Physical Violence in Late Socialism: (Dis-)Entangling Statehood, Labor, and the Nation" (English version)

"Is Democracy Sick of Its Own Media?" (English version)

Senior and Junior Fellowships CEU - Institute for Advanced Study (English version)

"Economic, Political and Social Crisis in the EU: Challenges and Opportunities” (English version)

"Need To Know II: Lessons Learned" (English version)

"Addressing Qualitz of Work in Europe" (English version)

"Regions of Memory. A Comparative Perspective on Eastern Europe" (English version)

Информационно събитие по повод програмата за научен обмен между Швейцария и България (Bulgarian version)

Серия от лекции на Американския изследователски център в София и покана за участие в конференция (Bulgarian version)

Centre for the Humanities announces calls for fellowships (English version)

"Превъплъщения на съвременната демокрация" (Bulgarian version)

Public Art in the Balkans from the Roman Empire to Yesterday (English version)

"Добре дошли в Киберия!" Записки от дигиталния терен (Bulgarian version)

“Can a Non-Extant District be a Heritage Place?” (English version)

"Революциите на Балканите: бунтове и въстания в епохата на национализма (1804-1908)" (Bulgarian version)

"Revolutions in the Balkans Revolts and uprisings in the era of nationalism (1804-1908)" (English version)

"Collaboration in Eastern Europe during World War II and the Holocaust" (English version)

Международна научна конференция по социални науки 2013 (Bulgarian version)

International Academic Conference on Social Sciences IACSS 2013 (English version)

"Проблеми и подходи в изследването на Станиславовия чети-миней" (Bulgarian version)

„Образованието в социалистическа България – между традицията и комунистическата идеология“ (Bulgarian version)

"Decentering Art of the Former East" (English version)

Associate Research Fellow: Fall of State Socialism (English version)

13-та международна конференция върху Централна и Източна Европа (Bulgarian version)

13th International Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

"Rebellion and Protest from Maribor to Taksim. Social Movements in the Balkans" (English version)

60 Years Diplomatic Relations between Bulgaria and Greece, 1954-2014 (English version)

"Assimilation and Circulation. A Universalistic Model of Knowledge in the 19th Century" (English version)

"Визуална антропология" (Bulgarian version)

"Paradise Found, or Paradise Lost? Nostalgia, Culture and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe" (English version)

"Transferring the Soviet New Man: Eastern and Central European Perspectives" (English version)

"Българи в чужбина, чужденци в България: институции, организации и общностен живот" (Bulgarian version)

"Collective vs Collected Memories. 1989-1991 from an Oral History Perspective" (English version)

"Living after the Fall(?): Past-Present in Southeastern Europe" (English version)

"Размиване на границите: Експертни полета и пространства на намеса в производството на колективно/хибридно знание" (Bulgarian version)

"Blurring the Boundaries: Fields of Expertise and Spaces of Intervention in Collective/Hybrid Knowledge Production" (English version)

Venezuela is not Ukraine? Reflections on the Emergent Protest Movements in the Post/Socialist World (English version)

"Европа и новите ѝ граждани: от мобилизации до избори" (Bulgarian version)

"Histories of 1914. Debates and Use of the Origins of World War One in Southeastern Europe" (English version)

"Twenty Five Years Later. History and Memory of Communism" (English version)

"The First World War and the Balkans – Historic Event, Experience and Memory" (English version)

"Greece in Crisis: What is the Case with the Far Right and Migration" (English version)

"Transitional Trials and Master Historical Narratives in Post-Communist Bulgaria, Germany and Romania" (English version)

Покана за 22-та Международна конференция на европеистите (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: 22nd International Conference of Europeanists (English version)

"(Dis)Satisfaction with Democracy and Citizens’ Involvement in Post-Communist Europe" (English version)

"Изкуства и памет (ХХ-ХХІ век)" (Bulgarian version)

Международен филологически форум за студенти и докторанти (Bulgarian version)

"Epistemologies of In-Betweenness: East Central Europe and the World History of Social Science, 1890-1945" (English version)

"Sites of Memory of Socialism and Communism in Europe" (English version)

International Conference "Town and Country in the Byzantine World: Social and Economic Perspectives" (English version)

Assembling the Post-Liberal Order in Central and Eastern Europe (1929-1956) (English version)

Международен форум "Възвишено и das Unheimliche" (Bulgarian version)

Удължен срок: 10-та конференция на Мрежата за парична история на Югоизточна Европа (Bulgarian version)

“Financial development and economic growth in South -East Europe – a historical and comparative perspective” (English version)

"Войната и мира в политическата мисъл" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: "War and Peace in Political Thought" (English version)

"Нечовешкото 2015" (Bulgarian version)

"Демократизация и национализъм в Европа, 1870-1920" (Bulgarian version)

"Democratization and nationalism in Europe, 1870-1920" (English version)

Лекционна програма на Американски научен център в София (Bulgarian version)

American Research Center in Sofia: Fall 2015 Schedule (English version)

"Regions of Memory II: Memory Regions as Discourse and Imagination" (English version)

Confessional Dynamics in Islamic Legal Thought and Practice in the Ottoman Empire, 15th-18th centuries (English version)

"Просвещението от незападна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)

"Алтернативната религиозност в Източна Европа по време на комунизма" (Bulgarian version)

"Alternative Religiosities in the Communist East-Central Europe" (English version)

Международна конференция "Силата на думите: мрежи, радикализация, осмиване" (Bulgarian version)

Конференция: "Просвещението от Не-Западна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)


Покана за участие: "Cultural Literacy in Europe" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: "Cultural Literacy in Europe" (English version)

"Power, Political Order and Everyday Life in the Balkans: From Post-Ottoman Nation States to Post-Socialist Democracies" (English version)

Покана за участи: "Отвъд кризата: нови посоки в изследванията на бежанците" (Bulgarian version)

Международна конференция "Културното наследство в миграция" (Bulgarian version)

International conference "Cultural Heritage in Migration" (English version)

Конференция "Надмощие и приспособяване" (Bulgarian version)

Call for participants: International Conference "Domination and Adaptation" (English version)

International conference: "World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change" (English version)

Presumption to Responsibility. Museums and contested history. Saying the unspeakable in museums (English version)

Покана за участие в интердисциплинарна конференция "Излишното" (Bulgarian version)

Изследователски грантове: "История на манастирската икономика" (Bulgarian version)

Международна конференция: "Великите идеи" на Балканите (18 - 20 век) (Bulgarian version)

Покана за участие: "Новите утопии" (Bulgarian version)

Покана конференция: "От запад на изток: метаморфозите на дискурса в Европа (Bulgarian version)

Call for Applications: From West to East: Metamorphoses of Discourses in Europe (English version)

Покана за участие: "Бързай бавно: режими на времето" (Bulgarian version)

Покана за конференция: "Множеството капитализми на средиземноморието (XVIII-XX в.)" (Bulgarian version)

Покана за конференция: "Околна среда, територия, мобилност" (Bulgarian version)

18-та годишна историческа и археологическа конференция: От Древността до модерните времена (Bulgarian version)

18th Annual International Conference on History & Archaeology: From Ancient to Modern (English version)

Стипендии за подкрепа на изследователски пътувания на учени от Югоизточна Европа (Bulgarian version)

Покана за участие: "Социалистическите държави и международното право в съвременния свят" (Bulgarian version)


Метафизиката на Левинас: Правото на Другия (Bulgarian version)

Levinas' Metaphysics: Right of the Other (English version)

"Идентичности: национални, регионални и лични" (Bulgarian version)

"Identities: National, Regional and Personal" (English version)

"От имиграционна политика към миграционно управление" (Bulgarian version)

"From Immigration Politics to Migration Management" (English version)

Европейската научна фондация финансира международна конференция (Bulgarian version)

Call for Proposals - ESF Research Conferences 2008 (English version)

"Life in Motion: Shifting Spaces, Transcending Times, Crossing Borders" (English version)

"Global Labor History and the Question of Freedom and Unfreedom" (English version)

"The 'New' 'Liberal' Europe?: Speculations, Fears, Visions" (English version)

"Globalization, Digitization, Access, and Preservation of Cultural Heritage" (English version)

Стипендиантска програма в областта на медийните изследвания, 2007-2008 г. (Bulgarian version)

Visiting Fellows Program in Media Studies (English version)

Покана за участие: "Политики на изключване и завръщане: Формирането на диаспорa като феномен" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers - EUROFOR Conference in Budapest 04/07 (English version)

Изтича срока за подаване на участие в "Социология на риска и несигурността" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty" (English version)

Deadline for Call for Papers: "Beyond the Nation?" (English version)

Краен срок за "Устната история - изкуството на диалога" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Oral History - The Art of Dialogue" (English version)

Call for Applications: Sunbelt Social Networks Conference (English version)

"Градски артефакти: Видове, практики, циркулации" (Bulgarian version)

"Urban Artefacts: Types, Practices, Circulations" (English version)

"Muslim Diasporas: Religious and National Identity, Gender, Cultural Resistance" (English version)

Стипендии за изготвяне на учебни курсове (Bulgarian version)

Curriculum Research Fellowships (English version)

Deadline: "The Idea of Solidarity in Philosophical and Social Contexts" (English version)

Краен срок: Покана за участие в международна конференция "Справедливост" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: International Conference "Justice": Deadline (English version)

Deadline for Call for Papers: The Legacy of the Chicago School (English version)

Deadline: "Divorce, Women and Families in the Balkans (XVIIIth-XXth centuries)" (English version)

Deadline: Labouring Feminism and Feminist Working-Class History in Europe and Beyond (English version)

From a Regional Historical Event to a Place of National Memory: Batak and Constructions of History in Bulgaria (English version)

Registration Deadline. Europe: Integration and/or Fragmentation? 22-23 June, Ljubljana (English version)

CFP Deadline:'Globalization and its Impacts and Localities'. September 05-07, 2007 (English version)

CFP Deadline for the "Funding, Equity and Efficiency" the Conference on Higher Education (English version)

Deadline: Second Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies. 9 - 10 November 2007 (English version)

Deadline:'Alternative Expressions of the Numinous' Conference (English version)

Deadline of CFP: "Nationalism, East and West:Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood" (English version)

Deadline: Annual Conference of the British Association... (English version)

Deadline: "The concept of self-understanding in the context of globalisation" (English version)

Deadline: "The Genesis of Nationalism in Europe" (English version)

Deadline: "Overcoming the Iron Curtain: Visions ..." (English version)

Deadline for Call for Papers: "Distinktion" (English version)

Deadline: "Justifying War: Popaganda, Politics and War in the Modern Age" (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "Evil, Law and the State" (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: Self-Representation and Public Culture of the Balkan Urban Classes (English version)

"The Silence about Communism in Central and Southeastern Europe" (English version)

Deadline: 10 Postdoctoral Fellowships for Academic Year 2008/2009 (English version)

Deadline: "Sociology and Law. The 150th Anniversary of Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)" (English version)

Research Presentation: Institute of Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "The Idea of Education" (English version)

Deadline: Postgraduate Studentships in Philosophy and History & Philosophy of Science (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline "Perspectives from the Periphery" (English version)

Краен срок: "Отвъд въобразената уникалност: Национализмът в сравнителна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: Call for Papers (English version)

Deadline: Fellowships in the Study of Culture (English version)

Краен срок: "Източна и Централна Европа в Студената война 1945-1989" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "East-Central Europe in the Cold War 1945-1989" (English version)

Deadline: "Performing Biographies: Memory and the Art of Interpretation" (English version)

Deadline: "Cultural, Political and Religious Ideologies and the Appraisal of New Media" (English version)

Краен срок: "Миграцията от и към Югоизточна Европа: Културно взаимодействие..." (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe: ..." (English version)

Deadline: "The 1989 Revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe: Twenty Years On" (English version)

Краен срок: Лятно училище по антропология на Балканите (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: 3rd Konitsa Summer School in Anthropology (English version)

Call for papers Deadline: Social and Spiritual Aspects of Material Culture (English version)

Deadline: "Changing Dynamics of the Danubian Region..." (English version)

"New Approaches to Comparative History in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe" (English version)

Deadline: Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945 (English version)

Deadline: "The Making of the Humanities" (English version)

Deadline: "Transformation and the Dynamics of (Radical) Change: Insights from Political Theory and Philosophy" (English version)

Deadline: “Social Integration and Cohesion in Post-Communist Europe” (English version)

Research mobility scheme Deadline: CEU-HESP Comparative History Project (English version)

Deadline: "Freedom and Democracy: European Perceptions, European Perspectives" (English version)

"Critical studies of the new social inequalities" (English version)

Conference "Markets as Networks" (English version)

Deadline: Totalitarian Laughter: Cultures of the Comic under Socialism (English version)

"Representing Political Figures in Mass Media (XVIIIth – XXIst century)" (English version)

Deadline: "Europe Before and After 1989" (English version)

Deadline: Religions and Values in Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "Religion, Secularism and Nationhood" (English version)

Deadline: Scientific co-operation between research groups in Switzerland and Eastern Europe (English version)

Deadline: "The Ghosts of the Past: everyday life 20 years after the Fall of Communism" (English version)

Краен срок: "Нови подходи към Студената война" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers Deadline: Cold War Interactions Reconsidered (English version)

(English version)

Deadline: "The Politics of Inequality and Difference: Critical Approaches in Anthropology and Sociology" (English version)

"Political Mythology and History" (English version)

Deadline: "Post-Communism and the New European Identity" (English version)

Deadline: "William Gladstone, Victorioanism, and Nationalism in Historical and Literary Perspective" (English version)

Международна конференция "Едгар Алън По - маргинален и универсален" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Regime Change and Transitions across the Danubian Region: 1989 – 2009" (English version)

Deadline: "Twenty Years After: Central and Eastern European Communist Regimes as a Shared Legacy" (English version)

"Borders: a User Manual" (English version)

"Memory Politics: Education, memorials and mass media" (English version)

Deadline: Advanced Academia Programme (English version)

Deadline: "Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning" (English version)

Deadline: "Tito: Perceptions and Interpretations" (English version)

Deadline: Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2010 - 2011 (English version)

"The History of Families and Households: Comparative European Dimensions" (English version)

Краен срок: "Отвъд методологическия национализъм: Изследвания на транснационалните пространства..." (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Beyond Methodological Nationalism: ..." (English version)

Deadline: "Biography and Identity: Dilemmas and Opportunities" (English version)

The Totalitarianisms of the 20th Century in Comparative Perspective (English version)

Deadline: 6th CEU Conference in Social Sciences (English version)

Deadline: "Monetary Policy during Economic Crises: a Comparative and Historical Perspective" (English version)

"Applied and Experimental Philosophy in Knowledge Based Society (East and West)" (English version)

Deadline: 5th Doctoral Conference in Thessaloniki (English version)

Тринадесетата международна конференция на Стопанския факултет, СУ (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Myths of the Other in the Balkans. Representations, social practices and performances" (English version)

Краен срок: "Технологии и отношенията Изток-Запад: Трансфери, паралелни истории и европейската лаборатория" (Bulgarian version)

"Technology & East-West relations: Transfers, parallel histories, and the European laboratory" (English version)

Краен срок: "От тоталитаризъм към демокрация в Централна и Източна Европа" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "From Totalitarianism towards Democracy in Central Eastern Europe" (English version)

"Изковаване на нацията: прояви и ритуали във (въз)производството на нацията" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Forging the Nation: Performance and Ritual in the (Re)production of Nations" (English version)

"Датиране на българските пергаментови ръкописи. Статистико-икономически аргументи" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: Advanced Academic Fellowship Programme of CAS (English version)

Deadline: Visiting Fellowships in Human Rights (English version)

"Invisible Frontiers in Post-Ottoman Cities: Edirne-Niṣ" (English version)

Deadline: 2011 OHS Annual Conference. Oral History and Regeneration (English version)

Call For Papers Deadline: The Balkans in the Cold War (English version)

Deadline: Five Postdoctoral Fellowships (English version)

Deadline: "A Mosaic of Margins: Ethnicity, Religion and Belonging" (English version)

Краен срок: "Митотворчество и митоборчество в историята и хуманитарните науки" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Myth-Making and Myth-Breaking in History and the Humanities" (English version)

Краен срок "Справянето с близкото минало на пост-диктаторски общества" (Bulgarian version)

Student Conference Deadline: "Reckoning with the Recent Past in Post-Dictatorial Societies" (English version)

Тwo doctoral conferences in European Historical Dictatorship (English version)

"Ritual and Sincerity: Certitude and the Other" (English version)

Deadline: "Inequality and Diversity in European Rural Areas" (English version)

Deadline: "Anthropology Otherwise: Rethinking Approaches to Fieldwork in Different Anthropological Traditions" (English version)

Краен срок: "Криза: Разриви, взаимодействия и закономерности в Централна и Източна Европа" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Crisis: Interruptions, Reactions and Continuities in Central and Eastern Europe" (English version)

Deadline: "Urban Development and Politics in Europe and Russia" (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "Depiction and Construction of the "Other": Islamic Cities in the Eyes of European Travellers" (English version)

Deadline: "Twenty Years of Macedonian Independence" (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "Nationalism and the City" (English version)

Deadline: Franklin Research Grants (English version)

Лекция "Проблемите на световното икономическо управление" (Bulgarian version)

Национална конференция „Младежта на България, европейската ни идентичност и иновативни постижения” (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Physical Violence in Late Socialism: (Dis-)Entangling Statehood, Labor, and the Nation" (English version)

"Is Democracy Sick of Its Own Media?" (English version)

Deadline: Senior and Junior Fellowships CEU - Institute for Advanced Study (English version)

Deadline: "Economic, Political and Social Crisis in the EU: Challenges and Opportunities” (English version)

Deadline: "Need To Know II: Lessons Learned" (English version)

Deadline: "Addressing Quality of Work in Europe" (English version)

Deadline: "Regions of Memory. A Comparative Perspective on Eastern Europe" (English version)

Информационно събитие по повод програмата за научен обмен между Швейцария и България (Bulgarian version)

"Гърци и траки на Западните понтийски брегове" (Bulgarian version)

"Превъплъщения на съвременната демокрация" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: Public Art in the Balkans from the Roman Empire to Yesterday (English version)

“Can a Non-Extant District be a Heritage Place?” (English version)

Краен срок: "Революциите на Балканите: бунтове и въстания в епохата на национализма (1804-1908)" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Revolutions in the Balkans Revolts and uprisings in the era of nationalism (1804-1908)" (English version)

Deadline: "Collaboration in Eastern Europe during World War II and the Holocaust" (English version)

Краен срок: Международна научна конференция по социални науки 2013 (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: International Academic Conference on Social Sciences IACSS 2013 (English version)

"Проблеми и подходи в изследването на Станиславовия чети-миней" (Bulgarian version)

„Образованието в социалистическа България – между традицията и комунистическата идеология“ (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Decentering Art of the Former East" (English version)

Deadline: Associate Research Fellow - Fall of State Socialism (English version)

13-та международна конференция върху Централна и Източна Европа (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: 13th International Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

"Rebellion and Protest from Maribor to Taksim. Social Movements in the Balkans" (English version)

60 Years Diplomatic Relations between Bulgaria and Greece, 1954-2014 (English version)

"Assimilation and Circulation. A Universalistic Model of Knowledge in the 19th Century" (English version)

Краен срок: "Визуална антропология" (Bulgarian version)

"Paradise Found, or Paradise Lost? Nostalgia, Culture and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe" (English version)

"Transferring the Soviet New Man: Eastern and Central European Perspectives" (English version)

Краен срок: "Българи в чужбина, чужденци в България: институции, организации и общностен живот" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Collective vs Collected Memories. 1989-1991 from an Oral History Perspective" (English version)

"Living after the Fall(?): Past-Present in Southeastern Europe" (English version)

"Размиване на границите: Експертни полета и пространства на намеса в производството на колективно/хибридно знание" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Blurring the Boundaries: Fields of Expertise and Spaces of Intervention in Collective/Hybrid Knowledge Production" (English version)

Venezuela is not Ukraine? Reflections on the Emergent Protest Movements in the Post/Socialist World (English version)

"Европа и новите ѝ граждани: от мобилизации до избори" (Bulgarian version)

"Histories of 1914. Debates and Use of the Origins of World War One in Southeastern Europe" (English version)

Deadline: "Twenty Five Years Later. History and Memory of Communism" (English version)

"The First World War and the Balkans – Historic Event, Experience and Memory" (English version)

"Greece in Crisis: What is the Case with the Far Right and Migration" (English version)

"Transitional Trials and Master Historical Narratives in Post-Communist Bulgaria, Germany and Romania" (English version)

Краен срок: Покана за 22-та Международна конференция на европеистите (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers Deadline: 22nd International Conference of Europeanists (English version)

Deadline: "(Dis)Satisfaction with Democracy and Citizens’ Involvement in Post-Communist Europe" (English version)

Краен срок: "Изкуства и памет (ХХ-ХХІ век)" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Epistemologies of In-Betweenness: East Central Europe and the World History of Social Science, 1890-1945" (English version)

Deadline: "Sites of Memory of Socialism and Communism in Europe" (English version)

International Conference "Town and Country in the Byzantine World: Social and Economic Perspectives" (English version)

Deadline: Assembling the Post-Liberal Order in Central and Eastern Europe (1929-1956) (English version)

Международен форум "Възвишено и das Unheimliche" (Bulgarian version)

10-та конференция на Мрежата за парична история на Югоизточна Европа (Bulgarian version)

“Financial development and economic growth in South -East Europe – a historical and comparative perspective” (English version)

"Войната и мира в политическата мисъл" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: "War and Peace in Political Thought" (English version)

Краен срок: "Нечовешкото 2015" (Bulgarian version)

"Демократизация и национализъм в Европа, 1870-1920" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Democratization and nationalism in Europe, 1870-1920" (English version)

"Модернизацията на Югоизточна Европа (19-21 в.)" (Bulgarian version)

"Regions of Memory II: Memory Regions as Discourse and Imagination" (English version)

"Просвещението от незападна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)

"Алтернативната религиозност в Източна Европа по време на комунизма" (Bulgarian version)

"Alternative Religiosities in the Communist East-Central Europe" (English version)

Международна конференция "Силата на думите: мрежи, радикализация, осмиване" (Bulgarian version)

Конференция: "Просвещението от Не-Западна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)


Call for Papers: "Cultural Literacy in Europe" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: "Cultural Literacy in Europe" (English version)

"Power, Political Order and Everyday Life in the Balkans: From Post-Ottoman Nation States to Post-Socialist Democracies" (English version)

Покана за участи: "Отвъд кризата: нови посоки в изследванията на бежанците" (Bulgarian version)

Международна конференция "Културното наследство в миграция" (Bulgarian version)

International conference "Cultural Heritage in Migration" (English version)

Краен срок: Конференция "Надмощие и приспособяване" (Bulgarian version)

Call for participants: International Conference "Domination and Adaptation" (English version)

International conference: "World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change" (English version)

Presumption to Responsibility. Museums and contested history. Saying the unspeakable in museums (English version)

Покана за участие в интердисциплинарна конференция "Излишното" (Bulgarian version)

Изследователски грантове: "История на манастирската икономика" (Bulgarian version)

Международна конференция: "Великите идеи" на Балканите (18 - 20 век) (Bulgarian version)

Покана за участие: "Новите утопии" (Bulgarian version)

Покана конференция: "От запад на изток: метаморфозите на дискурса в Европа (Bulgarian version)

Call for Applications: From West to East: Metamorphoses of Discourses in Europe (English version)

Покана за участие: "Бързай бавно: режими на времето" (Bulgarian version)

Покана за конференция: "Множеството капитализми на средиземноморието (XVIII-XX в.)" (Bulgarian version)

43 Годишна конференция на Ирландското общество за руски, централно- и източено-еврепейски изследвания (Bulgarian version)

Конференция "Жените и мюсюлманите в Народна република България" (Bulgarian version)

18-та годишна историческа и археологическа конференция: От Древността до модерните времена (Bulgarian version)

18th Annual International Conference on History & Archaeology: From Ancient to Modern (English version)

Стипендии за подкрепа на изследователски пътувания на учени от Югоизточна Европа (Bulgarian version)

Покана за участие: "Социалистическите държави и международното право в съвременния свят" (Bulgarian version)

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