Начало > Потребители
Tsoni Tsonev
[email protected]
Персонални данни
Образование и кариера
1985 History, second fаculty in English language, Philosophy. Specialization in archeology.

1986 PhD at Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland + specialization on mathemathics and statistics used in archaeoilogy

1990 - Interdisciplinary Group, Institute of Archaeology and Museum, Sofia

Работни езици
English, Polish, French, Russian,
basic German, Turkish, Italian
Академични данни
Assistant Prof.

Поле на изява
History, Sociology, Anthropology, Political, Cultural Studies,

Работно място
Institute of Archaeology and Museum
2 Saborna str.
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria,
Fax: 003592 988 24 05
E-mail: [email protected]

Изследователски интереси
Тheoretical archaeology,
Palaeolithics, lithic analysis,
Mathemathics and statistics used in archaeology,
GIS applications,

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