Начало > Потребители
Markus Wien
[email protected]
Персонални данни
Образование и кариера
LMU Munich, Germany - MA in East and Southeast European History; Minors: Modern History and Slavic Studies.

EUI Florence, Italy - Doctoral dissertation.

Работни езици
German, English, Bulgarian
Академични данни
Associate Prof.

Поле на изява
History, Philology, Sociology, Anthropology, Political, Cultural Studies,

Работно място
American University in Bulgaria

Изследователски интереси
Nation-building in communist Bulgaria;
Social and economic history of Bulgaria after 1878;
Europeanisation and modermisation of East Europe with focus on Bulgaria;

2006 (cc) Creative Commons License. A project of the Centre for Advanced Study, financed by Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education.
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