Начало > Потребители
Нора Голешевска
[email protected]
Персонални данни
Образование и кариера
– доктор "Философия на културата: Реторика и медии (2012, ФФ на СУ "Св. Климент Охридски );
– Магистър по Италианистика в Международна магистърска програма "Антропологически изследвания на Средиземноморието и Балканите" (2009, СУ "Св. Климент Охридски", Университет "Ла Сапиенца", Рим и ИЕФЕМ – БАН);
– Магистър по Културология в специалност "Изкуства и съвременност 20-21 в." (2007, СУ "Св. Климент Охридски");
– Бакалавър по Културология (2004, СУ "Св. Климент Охридски")

Рецензент за списание „Реторика и комуникации” ISSN 1314-4464 : https://journal.rhetoric.bg/?page_id=1534

Гост редактор на бр. No 6 на сп. Пирон - "Визуална култура/Визуални изследвания"; http://piron.culturecenter-su.org/category/vizualna-kultura/

2019 – 2020 - Специализация в Институт за академични изследвания - Букурещ (Connecting Art Histories initiative of Paul Getty Foundation: Periodisation of Art History and its Condrums. How to tackle them in East-Central Europe)
2018 – стаж в Международен отдел/Интернационализация на научните изследвания на Унивесрите на Мачерата, Италия
2010 – 2011 - Стипендия за докторанти по програма Еразъм + в Университет "Алдо Моро", гр. Бари, Италия
2008 – 2009 - Стипендиант на правителството на Република Италия в Университет "Ла Сапиенца", Рим;

Членства в научни организации:
От 2018 – International Visual Sociology Association;
От 2016 – Society of Intercultural Educators, Trainers and Researchers - Europe;
От 2015 – Rhetoric Society of Europe;
От 2015 – Bulgarian Academic Association of Communications;

Профил в ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8835-8514 ;
Профил в ResearcherID : http://www.researcherid.com/rid/K-8613-2015 ;
Профил в academia.edu : https://independent.academia.edu/NoraGoleshevska

Професионален опит като мениджър, координатор, изследовател и фасилитатор на проекти в сферата на културата, формалното и неформалното образование, реализирани от представителни национални и международни неправителствени организации, сред които:
Световен фонд за дивата природа (Часът на Земята 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018);
Асоциация на докторантите в България (член на УС 2013-2015)
Фондация "Заедно в час" (Програма за лидертво и професионално развитие - 2012, 2013);
Арт Проджект Депо (Награди на Мтел за Съвременно българско изкуство за 2006, 2007, 2011);
Доброволец на Европейския съюз по програма Европерйска доброволческа служба в Археоклуб д'Италиа (Международни летни археологически школи "Калат", 2006 -2007)

Работни езици
Български, Английски, Италиански, Руски, Македонски
Академични данни

Работно място

Изследователски интереси
I completed my PhD in Philosophy of Culture: Media & Rhetoric at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (2012);
- Joint MA in "Anthropological Studies of Mediterranean and Balkans: Italy-Bulgaria" (2009, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", University of Rome "La Sapienza" & IEFSEM at BAS);
- MA in "Comparative Studies of Arts and Culture in XX and XXI century" (2007, Sofia University);
- Bachelor of Arts in "Cultural Theory and History" at the University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski" (2004)

Currently I am a member of the "Connecting Art Histories initiative" of Paul Getty Foundation at the Institute for Advances Study - Bucharest in the context of the seminar serries "Periodisation of Art History and its Condrums. How to tackle them in East-Central Europe"

My specializations are in the field of Cultural History, Anthropology, Rhetoric, Visual Culture at university of Bari „Aldo Moro“ and Unversity of Rome "La sapienza". Current Research Interests: Microhistory, Anthropology, Semiotics, Philosophy.

Reviewer of Rhetoric and Communications Journal - ISSN 1314-4464 : https://journal.rhetoric.bg/?page_id=1534

In 2013 I was guest editor of the Volume 6 of the Academic Journal "Piron" dedicated to Visual Culture/Visual Studies: http://piron.culturecenter-su.org/category/vizualna-kultura/

Since 2018 - International Visual Sociology Association;
Since 2016 - Society of Intercultural Educators, Trainers and Researchers - Europe;
Since 2015 - Rhetoric Society of Europe;
Since 2015 - Bulgarian Academic Association of Communications;

I have teaching experience at the "Visual Seminar" of the PhD school of Sofia Universuty, at the "History of Philosophy" course of the MA programme of Architecture at the Higher School of Civil Engineering “L.Karavelov”, Sofia as well as at the courses in Visual Culture and Visual Arts at the undergraduate programs in Cultural and Media Studies at the South-West University, Blagoevgrad

ORCID account: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8835-8514
ResearcherID account: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/K-8613-2015
Academia.edu account : https://independent.academia.edu/NoraGoleshevska
2018 University of Evry Paris-Saclay, Paris, France
"Rhetorical Images of the Bulgarian Environmental Policy" "Visualizing Political Process” /25-28 June 2018/, 38th congress of the IVSA, organized by International Association for Visual Sociology and University of Evry Paris-Saclay;
2017 Hotel Hemus, Sofia
“The World War of Images in the Perspective of Horst Bredekamp's Theory of the Image Acts.Visual Culture and Interculturality" International conference "Interculturalism and Bilingualism" /26-27 May 2018/, organized by International Elias Canetti Society and SIETAR (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research)
2016 Blagoevgrad
“Lubomir Dalchev and the Socialist realism: "Perspectives on the history of style in Bulgarian visual culture” - “Stars” on the Balkans" /21-23 April 2016/, XXVth conference of International University Seminar for Balkan Studies at the South West University “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad,
2014 Blagoevgrad
“Il museo discorsovo nel contestodella riforma contemporanea dei musei in Bulgaria. Politiche nel ambito dell'economia e della cultura” Internatonal conference: “Cultura ed economia: aspetti contemporanei e storici” /28-29. March/, organized by the Italian Cultural Institute – Sofia and South West University of Blagoevgrad
2013 Sofia, Goethe-Institute in Sofia
"Uses of Hans Belting’s Anthropology of the image in the context of the Bulgarian visual culture" "Image and Contemporaneity", /07-08 Nov./, organized by the Institute of Contemporary Art-Sofia and the Goethe-Institute in Sofia, in partnership with the Cultural Centre of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”;
2011 Sofia, National Academy of Fine Arts
“Cultural Anthropology in the strategies of visual studies” "Cultural Heritage: Bulgaria-Italy" /28-29 May/ – International Conference organized by the Institute of Ethnology & Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum at BAS, the Bulgarian National Committee of ICOM, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Unive
2010 Università IUAV di Venezia, Venice, Italy,
“Il potere retorico delle metafore visive nell‟installazione “Entropa” di David Černy. Sugli aspetti retorici dell'opera d‟arte nella cultura visuale bulgara" "Rhetoric of the Visible. Strategies of the Image between Signification and Communication" /13-16. April / - Xth Congress of the International Association for Visual Semiotics – IAVS

2006 (cc) Creative Commons License. A project of the Centre for Advanced Study, financed by Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education.
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