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Търсене на Dynamics

Намерени резултати: 75


Elitsa Dimitrova (English version)

Борислав Тошев (Bulgarian version)

Borislav Dimitrov (English version)


Културна Феноменология на Правото и Топологически подход към Правото (Bulgarian version)

Civil society and the Women's Market (English version)


Call for Papers: "Beyond the Nation?" (English version)

Стипендии за изготвяне на учебни курсове (Bulgarian version)

Curriculum Research Fellowships (English version)

Fellowships in socio-political economy and poverty: short research visits at CEPS, Luxemburg (English version)

"Overcoming the Iron Curtain: Visions of the End of the Cold War in Europe, 1945-89" (English version)

"Southeastern Europe", a new interdisciplinary academic journal (English version)

"Национални конфликти, граници и асиметрична интеграция: Случаят с Хабсбургския митнически съюз" (Bulgarian version)

Centre for Social Studies Scholarships Applications (English version)

"Changing Dynamics of the Danubian Region – New Neighbourhood Policy in the EU" (English version)

"Transformation and the Dynamics of (Radical) Change: Insights from Political Theory and Philosophy" (English version)

"Social Integration and Cohesion in Post-Communist Europe" (English version)

ЦАИ обяви резултатите от стипендиантския конкурс за изследователския си проект "Режими на историчност" (Bulgarian version)

Applicants selected for participation in "Regimes of Historicity" (English version)

Call for Participants "Markets as Networks" (English version)

"The Politics of Inequality and Difference: Critical Approaches in Anthropology and Sociology" (English version)

"Borders: a User Manual" (English version)

Call for Papers for the XVIth European Forum of Young Legal Historians (English version)

"Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Researching Transnational Spaces, Cross-Border Diffusion, and Transnational Histories" (English version)

"Applied and Experimental Philosophy in Knowledge Based Society (East and West)" (English version)

"A Mosaic of Margins: Ethnicity, Religion and Belonging" (English version)

"Левият национализъм: Българската комунистическа партия по време на Втората световна война и годините след това" (Bulgarian version)

"Nationalism from the Left: the Bulgarian Communist Party during the Second World War and the Early Post-War Years" (English version)

Call for Papers: "Nationalism and the City" (English version)

Серия от лекции на Американския изследователски център в София и покана за участие в конференция (Bulgarian version)

"Collaboration in Eastern Europe during World War II and the Holocaust" (English version)

60 Years Diplomatic Relations between Bulgaria and Greece, 1954-2014 (English version)

“Digital Creativity in Times of Crisis: Bulgarian Networked Culture in Global Contexts” (English version)

Call for Papers: "Religious and Sexual Nationalism in Eastern Europe: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives" (English version)

Лекционна програма на Американски научен център в София (Bulgarian version)

American Research Center in Sofia: Fall 2015 Schedule (English version)

Confessional Dynamics in Islamic Legal Thought and Practice in the Ottoman Empire, 15th-18th centuries (English version)

Покана за участи: "Отвъд кризата: нови посоки в изследванията на бежанците" (Bulgarian version)

Международна конференция "Културното наследство в миграция" (Bulgarian version)

International conference "Cultural Heritage in Migration" (English version)

Магистърска степен по социология в Унгария (Bulgarian version)

Стипендиантска програма: "Демокрацията и върховенството на закона в Европа" (Bulgarian version)

Докторантски стипендии: "Китайските отношения със страните от Източна и Централна Европа" (Bulgarian version)

PhD scholarship in China's Relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (English version)


Deadline for Call for Papers: "Beyond the Nation?" (English version)

Стипендии за изготвяне на учебни курсове (Bulgarian version)

Curriculum Research Fellowships (English version)

Deadline: Fellowships in socio-political economy, short research visits at CEPS, Luxemburg (English version)

Deadline: "Overcoming the Iron Curtain: Visions ..." (English version)

"Национални конфликти, граници и асиметрична интеграция: Случаят с Хабсбургския митнически съюз" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: Centre for Social Studies Scholarships Applications (English version)

Deadline: "Changing Dynamics of the Danubian Region..." (English version)

Deadline: "Transformation and the Dynamics of (Radical) Change: Insights from Political Theory and Philosophy" (English version)

Deadline: “Social Integration and Cohesion in Post-Communist Europe” (English version)

Conference "Markets as Networks" (English version)

Deadline: "The Politics of Inequality and Difference: Critical Approaches in Anthropology and Sociology" (English version)

"Borders: a User Manual" (English version)

Deadline for the XVIth European Forum of Young Legal Historians (English version)

Deadline: "Beyond Methodological Nationalism: ..." (English version)

"Applied and Experimental Philosophy in Knowledge Based Society (East and West)" (English version)

Deadline: "A Mosaic of Margins: Ethnicity, Religion and Belonging" (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "Nationalism and the City" (English version)

"Гърци и траки на Западните понтийски брегове" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Collaboration in Eastern Europe during World War II and the Holocaust" (English version)

60 Years Diplomatic Relations between Bulgaria and Greece, 1954-2014 (English version)

“Digital Creativity in Times of Crisis: Bulgarian Networked Culture in Global Contexts” (English version)

Call for Papers: "Religious and Sexual Nationalism in Eastern Europe: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives" (English version)

"Модернизацията на Югоизточна Европа (19-21 в.)" (Bulgarian version)

Confessional Dynamics in Islamic Legal Thought and Practice in the Ottoman Empire, 15th-18th centuries (English version)

Покана за участи: "Отвъд кризата: нови посоки в изследванията на бежанците" (Bulgarian version)

Международна конференция "Културното наследство в миграция" (Bulgarian version)

International conference "Cultural Heritage in Migration" (English version)

Магистърска степен по социология в Унгария (Bulgarian version)

Стипендиантска програма: "Демокрацията и върховенството на закона в Европа" (Bulgarian version)

Докторантски стипендии: "Китайските отношения със страните от Източна и Централна Европа" (Bulgarian version)

PhD scholarship in China's Relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

2006 (cc) Creative Commons License. A project of the Centre for Advanced Study, financed by Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education.
Created by Netage.bg.