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Deadline of CfP: 'Central-Eastern European Nomenklatura'



launches a call for papers for its 2007 yearbook on the topic of
'Central-Eastern European Nomenklatura:
Structures, Evolution, Typologies'

The second issue of the ICCR's (Institute for the Investigation of Communism Crimes in Romania) Yearbook, which is to be published in 2007, is centred on "Central-Eastern European Nomenklatura: Structures, Evolution, Typologies". The articles may refer to various aspects concerning:

the functioning and the role of the nomenklatura in the interval 1945-1989;

the sociological and professional profile of the communist elites;

the ideological factions within different communist parties;

recruitment, promotion and political training of the nomenklatura, etc..

Historical, political or sociological researches are equally accepted. Comparative approaches and original studies based on empiric researches are encouraged. The texts will be evaluated anonymously by specialists in the field.

The articles may be written either in Romanian or English, using Times New Roman 12, 1.5 lines spacing, and should not exceed 60, 000 characters. The authors are expected to send the final version of their texts. The deadline for submitting the texts is 31 August 2007. After the evaluation of the articles, the authors have 10 days to make the amendments suggested by the reviewers. The Yearbook will be published both in Romanian and English. The translation of the texts will be ensured by the IICCR.

The texts are to be sent to the e-mail address anuar@iiccr. ro

Към новина: 18/05/2007 CfP: IICCR's Yearbook он 'Central-Eastern European Nomenklatura'

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