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Lecture on "After the End of the Television", 18h


The Seminar “Border cultures / cultures on the border” presents:

 "After the End of the Television"

lecture by Georgi Lozanov

After the integration of the classic media in the internet are they going to stay the same? Does it make sense to use the term “TV” outside the museum? If a new round of name giving is to be expected then better start with it today.

Moderators: Dessislava Lilova and Ivaylo Ditchev. The lecture will be delivered in Bulgarian language.

June 19 (Tuesday), 6.00 p.m.
Тhe "Red House" Centre for Culture and Debate (15, Ljuben Karavelov St.), "Pesha Nikolova" hall.

Към новина: 08/06/2007 Lecture on "After the End of the Television", 19th June 2007

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