Central European University
Budapest (Hungary)
4-12 July 2007
Anthropology, Evolutionary and Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Science, Linguistics, Philosophy of Mind
Course directors:
- György Gergely, Professor of Psychology, Head of Department of Developmental Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Dan Sperber, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, Paris, Institut Jean Nicod
- Rita Astuti, Reader in Social Anthropology, London School of Economy, Department of Anthropology
- Maurice Bloch, Professor in Anthropology, London School of Economy, Department of Anthropology
- Pascal Boyer, Henry Luce Professor of Individual and Collective Memory, Sociocultural Anthropology and Psychology, Washington University
- Susan Carey, Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Harvard University
- Gergely Csibra, Professor of Psychology, Birkbeck, University of London
- Daniel M. T. Fessler, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles
- Lawrence Hirschfeld, Professor of anthropology and psychology, New School for Social Research, New York
- Pierre Jacob, Directeur de Recherche, Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS/EHESS/ENS, Paris
- Deborah Kelemen, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Boston University
Course discussants:
- Ned Block, Professor of Philosophy, NYU Department of Philosophy
- Mihály Bródy, DsC., Research Professor, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute for Linguistics, Department of Theoretical Linguistics
- Katalin Farkas, Assistant Professor, Central European University, Department of Philosophy
- Csaba Pléh, Chair, and founder, Department of Cognitive Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE)
The summer course is aimed at providing a state-of-the-art cutting-edge scientific and research-oriented training for post-doctoral young researchers and highly promising pre-doctoral students from European and overseas universities and research institutes on the nature of the relationship between culture and cognition. The course will concentrate on recent theoretical and empirical advances in the scientific study of the role that evolved domain-specific cognitive adaptations such as peripheral and central modular and core knowledge systems of the mind play in explaining the emergence, transmission, and stabilization as well as the variability and universal aspects of cultural phenomena across different societies and cultural environments. These issues will be explored from an interdisciplinary perspective that integrates several different, but partially overlapping fields of knowledge and scientific inquiry including anthropology, ethnology, evolutionary and developmental psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, theories of communication, cross-cultural and comparative approaches to human and nonhuman culture and cultural learning, philosophy of mind, cognitive archeology, etc.
The course will be taught by a faculty consisting of internationally acknowledged leading experts of these fields of inquiry from a variety of European countries (France, England, Hungary) as well as from the United States. The summer courses are primarily targeted at advanced doctoral students, junior or post-doctoral researchers, teachers and professionals.
Here is the link to the course list for the summer of 2007: http://www.sun.ceu.hu/3Courses/courses.php
More detailed information about the application procedure, etc. is available at:
The application deadline is February 14, 2007 (unless stated otherwise in the announcement of a particular course).
Към новина: 30/01/2007 Summer Course "Culture and Cognition"