Център за академични изследвания София има удоволствието да ви покани на публичната лекция на тема
"Съдебните процеси на Прехода и водещия исторически разказ в пост-комунистическите България, Румъния и Германия"
24 юни 2014 г. от 17:00 в офиса на ЦАИ
ул. Стефан Караджа 7, вх.В, ет.2
Резюме на английски:
This presentation will explore the relationship between transitional criminal justice and master historical narratives about the communist past in post-1989 Bulgaria, Germany and Romania. It will analyze the different legal debates that framed trials targeting policies of repression applied in the late 1980s, and will examine their relationship to the official historical memory promoted by the states with regard to communist rule. The seminar will specifically focus on the Revival Process trials in Bulgaria, the Border Regime trials in Germany, and the December 1989 Revolution trials in Romania. Many transitional justice scholars have emphasized the role of criminal justice in creating new and comprehensive histories about the repression under former non-democratic regimes. This presentation will try to argue instead that transitional accountability is rather the product than the source of a dominant historical narrative that shapes the understanding of the dictatorial past. However, when trials deal with very recent and controversial events, they may play an important role in producing alternative historical emplotments.
Raluca Grosescu is Associate Research Fellow at Exeter University, working on the Leverhulme Trust funded project 1989 after 1989: The fall of state-socialism in global perspective. Her research interests centre on transitional criminal justice in post-dictatorial Eastern Europe and Latin America, with a particular focus on the relationship between accountability for human rights violations, legal culture and individual biographies in times of profound political change. Her book Les communistes dans l'après-communisme. Trajectoires de conversion politique de la nomenklatura roumaine après 1989 was published in 2010 at Michel Houdiard, Paris. Currently, she is co-editing with Dr. Agata Fijalkowski (University of Lancaster) a collection on transitional criminal justice in post-dictatorial and post-conflict societies for Intersentia's Series on Transitional Justice (forthcoming).