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3 Visiting Fellowships. The Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel

CAS 13/02/2015

The Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel, Switzerland welcomes applications for 3 Visiting Fellowships (three months in the academic year 2016) within European Global Studies with focus on “Scaling Regions“.

The Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel invites applications from qualified scholars to join the Institute for a fixed-term Fellowship during the academic year 2016 (starting March or mid-September 2016).

The Institute for European Global Studies is an interdisciplinary research institute at Switzerland’s oldest university, the University of Basel. With an established study program on the MA level and a doctoral program in the planning stage, the Institute develops new concepts and methodologies designed to reveal the close interconnectedness between Europe, Asia and Africa across cultural, geographic, and linguistic borders and the consequences of such entanglements on the global and the local level. Fellows will benefit from the excellent academic conditions and exchange with international colleagues. They will find both the freedom and the inspiration necessary to work on a research project that would otherwise be difficult to realize in everyday academic life.

We welcome applications from researchers who are interested in investigating agencies and actors in global contexts as well as in adopting a conceptual approach beyond the nation state. Projects should fit the general research perspective of the Institute and at the same time engage with the topic of Scaling Regions which covers transterritorial concepts and border-crossing methodologies. Examples include the field of transnational law in its regional and European-global dimensions, the role of subnational states and transnational corporations, alternative spatial-regional concepts or strategies of historical or present-day agencies to circumvent dominant political and economic regimes (for example in the highland regions described as Zomia), or border-crossing regional networks as a core element of European identity building.

Prospective Visiting Fellows have an established track record in the field of European Global Studies and have cultivated the ability to think “outside the box”. Please apply with a CV, names and contact information of 3 scholars from different disciplines and the outline of a research project (max. 3.000 words). Ideally, a Fellow’s project will provide fresh impulses to his/her field of expertise, also in terms of methodological input. Visiting Fellows should also have a keen interest in discussing and sharing their thoughts on research in and on a Global Europe with colleagues, and in further contributing to the extraordinary atmosphere of the Institute for European Global Studies. We particularly welcome applications from candidates with a background in history, political science, law, economics or a combination thereof. However, interested researchers from other fields who feel that they can contribute to the larger questions investigated at the Institute are also invited to apply.

The Institute for European Global Studies strongly encourages women scholars to apply. Moreover, we welcome applications from researchers in the kick-off phase of a new project which might lead to longer-term projects which the Institute might be interested in hosting.

Applicants are advised to inform themselves about the Institute at https://europa.unibas.ch/ or to contact the Institute’s head office via e-mail (cornelia.knab(at)unibas.ch).

The deadline for application is May 15th, 2015.

Kindly use the standardized form (DOC format) for your project proposal.

For the Search Committee
Prof. Dr. Madeleine Herren

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