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Покана за участие: "Социалистическите държави и международното право в съвременния свят"

ЦАИ 13/01/2022

Call for Papers: International Conference

Socialisms and International Law in the Contemporary World

SNSPA, Bucharest, 15-16 September, 2022

Over the past decade, scholars have begun to recover alternative, non-Western and non- Eurocentric stories of international law-making, emphasizing the role of actors from other world regions as well as doctrines that challenged the Western-led liberal order. The impact of Global South experts and governments has been a central subject of this new historiography. While some works have also focused on Eastern European socialist engagements with human rights and humanitarianism during the Cold War, a global history of how state socialisms across the world have shaped international law has yet to be written.

Additional information: https://sil.politice.ro/soclaw2022/

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