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"The Making of the Humanities"

CAS 22/04/2008

First International Conference on the History of the Humanities

Organized under the auspices of the European Science Foundation (ESF) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).

23-25 October 2008, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

This conference aims at bringing together scholars and historians of the various humanities disciplines to draw the outlines for a comparative history of the humanities. Although there exist separate histories of single humanities disciplines, a comparative history would satisfy a long-felt need, and fill a conspicuous gap in intellectual history.

Call for Abstracts:

We invite submissions that explore the connections between different disciplines in the history of the humanities. While the focus is on the early modern period when the humanities started to emerge (roughly 1400-1800), we also welcome proposals for papers exploring interesting links with earlier or later periods. Topics include all aspects of the history of philology, linguistics, logic, rhetoric, music theory, ‘ars historica’ and ‘ars poetica’, with an emphasis on their interrelations as well as their impact on the natural sciences, philosophy and theology, and on the broader cultural and political context

Deadline for abstract submissions: 1 July 2008
Notification of acceptance: 20 July 2008
Date of the conference: 23-25 October 2008

The conference will take place in the historical Doelenzaal (built in 1509) of the University Library at the University of Amsterdam.

For more information, see http://www.illc.uva.nl/MakingHumanities/

Organizers: Rens Bod ( ), Jaap Maat ( )

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