On the 13th of December (Saturday) at 2 p.m. at the City Hotel Sofia, (6, Stara Planina Str.) the Institute for Studies of the Recent Past organizes public discussion on the topic:
1968. The Prague Spring and Bulgaria
The aim of the discussion is to think over and conceptualize the various points of view, debates, recollections and generational receptions of the '68 events that appeared in the Bulgarian media during the last year. It will also touch the Bulgarian role in the military intervention and 'normalization' of the Czech Republic.
The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Ivaylo Znepolski while short papers will be presented by Zhelyu Zhelev (former Bulgarian President), Georgi Lozanov (media expert), Rangel Valchanov (film director), Vladimir Migev (historian), Daniel Vachkov (historian), Plamen Doynov (literary researcher) and Diana Ivanova (journalist and researcher).