Call for Papers
Announcing the Fifth Conference of the South-Eastern European Monetary History Network (SEEMHN) hosted by the Central Bank of Turkey in Istanbul, Turkey
16 April, 2010
Prof. Barry Eichengreen (University of California, Berkeley, Department of Economics)
Following the success of the previous four annual conferences of the South-Eastern European Monetary History Network (SEEMHN) held in Sofia (BNB) in 2006, Vienna (OeNB) in 2007, Athens (BoG) in 2008 and Belgrade (NBS) in 2009, it is the great pleasure of the Central Bank of Turkey to host the Fifth Annual Conference in April 2010. The main objective of the SEEMH Network is to extend the knowledge of the economic history of the Balkans with a specific focus on financial, monetary and banking history.
The Fifth SEEMHN Conference will take place on Friday, 16 April 2010, in Istanbul. The topic of the conference will be "Monetary Policy during Economic Crises: a Comparative and Historical Perspective".
South-Eastern Europe has a rich history in crises. During the 19th and the 20th centuries all countries in the region were prone to different varieties of economic and financial crises and monetary authorities strove to sustain monetary and financial stability. The Conference will put at central stage the history of economic and financial crises in emerging market economies and will discuss individual and coordinated monetary policy responses to resolve them. An emphasis should be placed on the evolution of financial market regulation and the post-crises regulatory responses. A comparison of the crisis experience of advanced countries with that of the emerging market economies may serve as a useful analytical framework to draw important lessons for resolving the current crisis (since 2007) and preventing future crisis episodes.
Interested researchers should submit their papers or extended proposals to Yuksel Gormez (
) no later than 29 January 2010.
Authors of the accepted papers will be notified no later than 26 February 2010. The conference version of the paper is expected by 26 March 2010 and the presentation version is expected by 2 April 2010. The papers should meet the usual scientific standards and address the main theme of the conference in a broad interpretation. Selected papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings Volume, co-edited by Professor Sevket Pamuk. All participants are expected to cover their own expenses.
Participation in the conference is not conditional upon presenting a paper.