In cooperation with the European Commission the Gerda Henkel Foundation launches a new fellowship programme. The funding initiative M4HUMAN (Mobility for experienced researchers in historical humanities including Islamic studies) gives outstanding researchers the opportunity to spend a longer period of time at a foreign research institution of their choice.
The call for proposals is open to researchers from all over the world. Main areas of research are the disciplines promoted by the Gerda Henkel Foundation – History, Prehistory and Early History, Archaeology, Art History, Historic Islamic Studies, Legal History as well as the special programme “Islam, the modern nation state and transnational movements”.
The deadline for applications is 30 June 2011.
Jens Christian Schneider M. A.
- M4HUMAN Projektreferat -
Malkastenstraße 15
40211 Düsseldorf
Tel.: +49 211 93 65 24 -0
Fax: +49 211 93 65 24 44