13 септември от 18.00 часа: д-р Маргарит Дамянов (Институт по археология с музей към БАН), “Гърци и траки на Западните понтийски брегове”
25 септември от 18.00 часа: Проф. Мая Василева (Нов Български Университет), “Тракийски мегалитни паметници: Стари въпроси и нови подходи”
27 септември от 18.00 часа: Диляна Иванова (The Field Museum, Chicago), “Споменът за публичната забава по време на социализма”
2 октомври от 18.00 ч: проф. Росица Градева (Американски университет в България и Института по балканистика и център по тракология), “Християни, мюсюлмани и евреи в османския град на Балканите: Поглед към София през периода преди Танзимата”
A Conference on Communication and Commerce in the Balkans, October 25-26, 2012
The American Research Center in Sofia will host a conference regarding aspects of communication and commerce in the Balkans between the Hellenistic period and the early modern period. As is well known, the Balkans possess important sources of raw materials and ample tracts of prime agricultural land. There were many cities and military outposts that required provisions for soldiers, bureaucrats and civilians. Connecting the countryside, towns and emporia, a network of rivers and roads were used to transport cargos and served as mechanisms for official and private communications. The dynamics of communication and commerce clearly changed together with socio-political developments; nevertheless, the Balkan region was the setting of vibrant systems of exchange and interaction during this broad arc of time.
The ARCS organizing committee seeks papers that address this topic globally or locally, synchronically or diachronically, based upon archaeological and/or literary sources. The broad temporal range of this conference is intended to provide a venue for scholars who may not normally have the opportunity to meet and exchange approaches and methods. Papers may address: ◦Agents and organization of communication and commerce (private, State/military) ◦Mechanisms of communication and commerce (e.g., rivers and ports, roads and highway stops, vehicles, marketplaces, information media, travel times) ◦Objects of exchange (e.g, agricultural goods and raw materials, finished goods, information and practices)
Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words in English to:
Eric C. De Sena, Director of the American Research Center in Sofia ([email protected])
Abstract deadline is September 15, 2012 with notification of a decision shortly thereafter. The conference is open to senior and junior scholars, including PhD students.