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Търсене на diversity,

Намерени резултати: 11


Diversity Matters: A Lesson from a Post-Communist Country (English version)

Преосмисляне на нео-институционализма или Има ли значение разнообразието във висшето образование (Bulgarian version)

Re-thinking Neoinstitutionalism or Does Diversity Matter in Higher Еducation (English version)


'Globalization and its Impacts and Localities'. September 05-07, 2007 (English version)

Сборникът "We, the People" излезе от печат (Bulgarian version)

"We, the People" edited by Diana Mishkova (English version)

Докторантски стипендии: "Китайските отношения със страните от Източна и Централна Европа" (Bulgarian version)

PhD scholarship in China's Relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (English version)


CFP Deadline:'Globalization and its Impacts and Localities'. September 05-07, 2007 (English version)

Докторантски стипендии: "Китайските отношения със страните от Източна и Централна Европа" (Bulgarian version)

PhD scholarship in China's Relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

2006 (cc) Creative Commons License. A project of the Centre for Advanced Study, financed by Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education.
Created by Netage.bg.