Philologist [Bulgarian Philology, University of Sofia, St. "Kliment Ohridski"] - 1995-2000
PhD - 2005
Research fellow - 2006
Лични интереси
Medieval studies
Работни езици
Bulgarian, English
Академични данни
Assistant Prof.
Поле на изява
Philosophy, History, Sociology, Anthropology, Political, Cultural Studies,
Работно място
Department of Old Bulgarian literature,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
52, blvd. Shipchenski prohod, bl. 17, 7th & 8th floors,
1113 Sofia
tel./fax: +359 2 97170 56
Изследователски интереси
Medieval Studies, medieval medicine, rethoric, medieval anthologies with wise sayings, medieval Bulgarian literature, medieval literature and culture, everyday life in the Middle Ages , etc.