Начало > Потребители
Dimiter Dimov
[email protected]
Персонални данни
Образование и кариера
- English Language School Bourgas;
- Sofia University, Department of Cultural Studies.

Лични интереси
moutnatin biking, music, football

Работни езици
Bulgarian, English, German, Russian
Академични данни
PhD student

Поле на изява
Philosophy, History, Sociology, Anthropology, Political, Cultural Studies,

Работно място
- Centre for Advenced Study Sofia;
- Department of Cultural Studies, Sofia University

Изследователски интереси
semiotics, philosophy of Language, Perice, history of communism
The Realistic Turn in the Interpretation of Peirce and Iconicity от Dimiter Dimov
It digs into the affirmed and regular descriptions of the major research objects – Perice, Iconicity and the Realistic Interpretation as a methodological paradigm, hoping to reveal their first and immediate characteristics. Following the diagram of these characteristics the author tries to investigate all possible relations and legitimate interpretative directions and how they influence various traditions, clashes and trends in semiotics. As presenting and following all careful and conscientious scientific inquiries into the matter of Perice in general and iconicity in particular and pointing out the common aspects among them the article aims to reflect on the ‘finally’ regulative and ‘really meaningful’ qualities of that theory. These qualities will always determine a specific context and will always bias future attentive philosophic searches into the problem… if ‘always’ is possible?!
2007 Human and Social Studies Foundation Sofia Critique and Humanism Journal 24
Език: Bulgarian
2005 Sofia, 16-17 Dec.
Building Networks in Bulgarian Academia – Integrated Database of Young Bulgarian Researchers, Internatinal Conference “Culture of Communication in Science and Research”
2005 Vienna, 11-12 August
Digitalization and Networking – Bulgarian Academia, International Conference "Emergence Room: Online-Publishing and Weblogs"

2006 (cc) Creative Commons License. A project of the Centre for Advanced Study, financed by Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education.
Created by Netage.bg.