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Deadline: "Urban Development and Politics in Europe and Russia"


Call for Papers
International Conference, St. Petersburg, October 28-30, 2011

Urban Development and Politics in Europe and Russia

Conference language: English

The international interdisciplinary conference will reflect the new challenges that cities encounter in the era of globalization, international migration and tourism, the problems of the historic cities in the new context, growing diversity of the urban populations and the political, economic and civic ways of dealing with the changes are on the agenda of social sciences.

The goal of the Conference is to reflect on the main issues of the urban development in the European and Russian context. As Russian cities are now in the stage of elaborating principles, strategies and ideologies for the future development, the exchange of concepts, experiences and good practices from European urban spaces are currently highly demanded. The conference contributes to the ongoing academic and public discussion in this field. To achieve these goals, the conference is oriented towards both scholars and practitioners of urban development. Plenary and panel sessions for academic discussion (October 29-30) as well as practically-oriented round tables on the most important issues of urban development with municipal officials, politicians, experts and academics (October 28, 2011) will be organized.

We are expecting the applications for the following Conference Panels:

1. Urban Politics, Policies and Governance: Local and municipal self-government and localization of politics; urban governance, planning and regulation with regard to “strategic urban development”, “culture and heritage management”, “social services”

2. Civic Initiatives and People in the Urban Context: Role of the urban social movements / civic initiatives in shaping the city; conflicts in the urban context; creative industries, public communication in cities

3. Urban Spaces and Urban Cultures: Diversity in cities and its representations in the urban space; place attachments, identities, and public (quasi-public) spaces, segregation and exclusion

In some limited cases, travel and accommodation costs can be covered by the organizers.

Applicants should mention whether they require such support. Proposals for papers and presentations at the conference are welcome until June 20, 2011. All should include an abstract of the proposed presentation as well as the author’s short CV and should be sent to:

Further information can be found at www.zdes.spb.ru and www.eu.spb.ru/ces

Към новина: 30/05/2011 "Urban Development and Politics in Europe and Russia"

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