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Търсене на media

Намерени резултати: 231


Dobrinka Chankova (English version)

Dessislava Petkova (English version)

Krassimir Terziev (English version)

Katia Mihailova (English version)

Irena Sentevska (English version)

Slavka Karakusheva (English version)

Aida Kalender (English version)

Maya Tsaneva (English version)

Lyubomira Konstantinova (English version)

Нора Голешевска (Bulgarian version)

Julia Rone (English version)

Ioana Macrea-Toma (English version)

Slav Okov (English version)

JUDYANNET MUCHIRI (English version)

Maria Kotseva (English version)

Jan Surman (English version)

Кармел Дахер (Bulgarian version)

Ekaterina Markova (English version)


The Culture of Camouflage - the Culture of the Transition form Modernity to Postmodernity (English version)





"Идентичности: национални, регионални и лични" (Bulgarian version)

"Identities: National, Regional and Personal" (English version)

Европейската научна фондация финансира международна конференция (Bulgarian version)

Call for Proposals - ESF Research Conferences 2008 (English version)

"Life in Motion: Shifting Spaces, Transcending Times, Crossing Borders" (English version)

"Политическа култура и културна политика в Централна и Югоизточна Европа 1850-1950 г." (Bulgarian version)

"Political Culture and Cultural Politics in Central and South East Europe, 1850-1950" (English version)

Стипендиантска програма в областта на медийните изследвания, 2007-2008 г. (Bulgarian version)

Visiting Fellows Program in Media Studies (English version)

Покана за участие в "Социология на риска и несигурността" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: "Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty" (English version)

"Устната история - изкуството на диалога" (Bulgarian version)

"Oral History - The Art of Dialogue" (English version)

Международна конференция посветена на социалните мрежи (Bulgarian version)

Call for Applications: Sunbelt Social Networks Conference (English version)

Стипендии за изготвяне на учебни курсове (Bulgarian version)

Curriculum Research Fellowships (English version)

Call for Papers: SLOVO, Volume 19.2 (Autumn 2007) (English version)

Медийното възраждане на патриотизма. За и против кампанията "Не сте сами" (Bulgarian version)

The Media Revival of Patriotism. You Are Not Alone Campaign: Pros and Cons (English version)

Международен семинар "Политическа култура и културни политики в Централна и Югоизточна Европа, 1850-1950" (Bulgarian version)

International Workshop "Political Culture and Cultural Politics in Central and South East Europe, 1850-1950". 5-7 July 2007 (English version)

Call for Papers: Women and Gender in Socialist Eastern Europe (English version)

CFP: The Author in Translation (English version)

Lecture on "After the End of the Television", 19th June 2007 (English version)

Стипендия в областта на международните отношения/ европейската интеграция (Гърция) (Bulgarian version)

Annual Conference of the British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies (English version)

13th Early Fall Scholl in Semiotics "SocioSemiotics" (English version)

"Justifying War: Popaganda, Politics and War in the Modern Age" (English version)

Call for Papers: Self-Representation and Public Culture of the Balkan Urban Classes (English version)

Liberty ’56. Side View on Hungarian Upspring (English version)

38rth World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (English version)

Research Presentation: Institute of Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research (English version)

"Beyond Imagined Uniqueness: Nationalisms in Comparative Perspective" (English version)

"East-Central Europe in the Cold War 1945-1989" (English version)

"Performing Biographies: Memory and the Art of Interpretation" (English version)

Paul Celan Fellowships for Translators 2008 / 2009 (English version)

"Cultural, Political and Religious Ideologies and the Appraisal of New Media" (English version)

"Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe: ..." (English version)

"New forms of human rights and civic engagement in the 21st century" (English version)

"New Approaches to Comparative History in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe" (English version)

Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945 (English version)

"The Unbearable Charm of Frailty: Philosophizing in/on Eastern Europe" (English version)

Graduate School Image and Time - Announcement of 12Scholarships (English version)

Call for Publication: "Popular Culture and Socialism(s)" (English version)

"Representing Political Figures in Mass Media (XVIIIth – XXIst century)" (English version)

Discussion "'68 The Prague Spring and Bulgaria" (English version)

Religions and Values in Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

"Теории на действието (action theories) във философията и социалните науки" (Bulgarian version)

"Action Theory in Philosophy and the Social Sciences" (English version)

"Концепции и последствия от мултиезичността на ЕС" (Bulgarian version)

Concepts and Consequences of Multilingualism in Europe (English version)

"The Ghosts of the Past: everyday life 20 years after the Fall of Communism" (English version)

Call for Applications: Regimes of Historicity Project (English version)

"Political Mythology and History" (English version)

"Post-Communism and the New European Identity" (English version)

The Branding of Post-Communist Nations (Edited Volume) (English version)

"Borders: a User Manual" (English version)

"Memory Politics: Education, memorials and mass media" (English version)

"Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning" (English version)

Call for papers: "Tito: Perceptions and Interpretations" (English version)

Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program (English version)

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2010 - 2011 (English version)

"Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Researching Transnational Spaces, Cross-Border Diffusion, and Transnational Histories" (English version)

Fellowship for Advanced Doctoral Students (FADS) 2010 (English version)

"Applied and Experimental Philosophy in Knowledge Based Society (East and West)" (English version)

Пролетна лекционна програма на Американския изследователски център в София (Bulgarian version)

ARCS Spring Prgoramme 2010 (English version)

"Изкуства на новите медии – предизвикателство пред съвременното общество" (Bulgarian version)

"Myths of the Other in the Balkans. Representations, social practices and performances" (English version)

G-local Cosmopolitanism: the Social responsibility of the Academic, the Artist, and the Media (English version)

Edited collection: "Anthropological perspectives in the research of Islam in the Balkans" (English version)

Sofja Kovalevskaja Award for promising young researchers (English version)

"Anthropology Otherwise: Rethinking Approaches to Fieldwork in Different Anthropological Traditions" (English version)

"Стратегически подход към управлението на културата и културните индустрии чрез предприемачество и иновации (Канадски и международен опит)" (Bulgarian version)

Семинар_БГ: Брой 6, "Професионалисти и аматьори онлайн" (Bulgarian version)

"Is Democracy Sick of Its Own Media?" (English version)

"Need To Know II: Lessons Learned" (English version)

Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (English version)

"Regions of Memory. A Comparative Perspective on Eastern Europe" (English version)

Серия от лекции на Американския изследователски център в София и покана за участие в конференция (Bulgarian version)

"Social Networking in South-Eastern Europe, 15th–19th Centuries" (English version)

"Гласовете на прехода: Десните" (Bulgarian version)

"Дигиталното творчество във времена на кризи: българската интернет култура в глобален контекст" (Bulgarian version)

“Digital Creativity in Times of Crisis: Bulgarian Networked Culture in Global Contexts” (English version)

Call for Papers: "Religious and Sexual Nationalism in Eastern Europe: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives" (English version)

Исторически конкурс "По следите на поляците в България" (Bulgarian version)

New Honorary Fellowship at the Historische Kolleg (English version)

Семинар_BG: брой 11 "От биоетика към биоестетика" (Bulgarian version)

Нова книга: "Еластичен (пост)секуларизъм" (Bulgarian version)

"Когато ми отнеха името. 'Възродителният процес' през 70-те – 80-те години на ХХ век в литературата на мюсюлманските общности. Антология" (Bulgarian version)

"Дигитално творчество по време на криза: България в глобалния котекст (Bulgarian version)

Digital Creativity in Times of Crisis: Bulgaria in the Global Context (English version)

Program for visiting scholars at the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2016) (English version)

"Regions of Memory II: Memory Regions as Discourse and Imagination" (English version)

Покана за участие: "Cultural Literacy in Europe" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: "Cultural Literacy in Europe" (English version)

Стипендиантска програма на ЦАИ и NEC Букурещ "TEACHING EUROPE" (Bulgarian version)

Международна конференция "Културното наследство в миграция" (Bulgarian version)

International conference "Cultural Heritage in Migration" (English version)

Call for participants: International Conference "Domination and Adaptation" (English version)

International conference: "World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change" (English version)

Конференция "Медии и постистина" (Bulgarian version)

"Мястото и субекта в илюстрованите разкази за Истанбул от края на XVI в." (Bulgarian version)

Семинар БГ: Брой 14 "Веселата публичност" (Bulgarian version)

Лекция: "Трансформациите в православното християнство в перспективата на longue-durée: социологически анализ" (Bulgarian version)

Магистърска степен по социология в Унгария (Bulgarian version)

Покана конференция: "От запад на изток: метаморфозите на дискурса в Европа (Bulgarian version)

Call for Applications: From West to East: Metamorphoses of Discourses in Europe (English version)

Международна конференция: "Зографската обител сред атонската монашеска общност: исторически път и място за служение на словото" (Bulgarian version)


"Идентичности: национални, регионални и лични" (Bulgarian version)

"Identities: National, Regional and Personal" (English version)

Европейската научна фондация финансира международна конференция (Bulgarian version)

Call for Proposals - ESF Research Conferences 2008 (English version)

"Life in Motion: Shifting Spaces, Transcending Times, Crossing Borders" (English version)

"Политическа култура и културна политика в Централна и Югоизточна Европа 1850-1950 г." (Bulgarian version)

"Political Culture and Cultural Politics in Central and South East Europe, 1850-1950" (English version)

Стипендиантска програма в областта на медийните изследвания, 2007-2008 г. (Bulgarian version)

Visiting Fellows Program in Media Studies (English version)

Изтича срока за подаване на участие в "Социология на риска и несигурността" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty" (English version)

Краен срок за "Устната история - изкуството на диалога" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Oral History - The Art of Dialogue" (English version)

Международна конференция посветена на социалните мрежи (Bulgarian version)

Call for Applications: Sunbelt Social Networks Conference (English version)

Стипендии за изготвяне на учебни курсове (Bulgarian version)

Curriculum Research Fellowships (English version)

Deadline: Call for Papers - SLOVO, Volume 19.2 (Autumn 2007) (English version)

Медийното възраждане на патриотизма. За и против кампанията "Не сте сами" (Bulgarian version)

The Media Revival of Patriotism. You Are Not Alone Campaign: Pros and Cons (English version)

Международен семинар "Политическа култура и културни политики в Централна и Югоизточна Европа, 1850-1950" (Bulgarian version)

International Workshop "Political Culture and Cultural Politics in Central and South East Europe, 1850-1950". 5-7 July 2007 (English version)

CfPDeadline: Women and Gnder in Socialist Eastern Europe (English version)

Deadline: CFP "The Author in Translation" (English version)

Lecture on "After the End of the Television", 18h (English version)

Краен срок за стипендия в областта на международните отношения/ европейската интеграция (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: Annual Conference of the British Association... (English version)

13th Early Fall Scholl in Semiotics "SocioSemiotics" (English version)

Deadline: "Justifying War: Popaganda, Politics and War in the Modern Age" (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: Self-Representation and Public Culture of the Balkan Urban Classes (English version)

38rth World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (English version)

Research Presentation: Institute of Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research (English version)

Deadline: "East-Central Europe in the Cold War 1945-1989" (English version)

Deadline: "Performing Biographies: Memory and the Art of Interpretation" (English version)

Deadline: Paul Celan Fellowships for Translators 2008 / 2009 (English version)

Deadline: "Cultural, Political and Religious Ideologies and the Appraisal of New Media" (English version)

Deadline: "Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe: ..." (English version)

CfAppl Deadline: "New forms of human rights and civic engagement in the 21st century" (English version)

"New Approaches to Comparative History in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe" (English version)

Deadline: Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945 (English version)

"The Unbearable Charm of Frailty: Philosophizing in/on Eastern Europe" (English version)

Deadline: Graduate School Image and Time - Announcement of 12Scholarships (English version)

Call for Publication Deadline: "Popular Culture and Socialism(s)" (English version)

"Representing Political Figures in Mass Media (XVIIIth – XXIst century)" (English version)

Discussion "'68 The Prague Spring and Bulgaria" (English version)

Deadline: Religions and Values in Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

Краен срок: "Теории на действието (action theories) във философията и социалните науки" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Action Theory in Philosophy and the Social Sciences" (English version)

Краен срок: "Концепции и последствия от мултиезичността на ЕС" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: Concepts and Consequences of Multilingualism in Europe (English version)

Deadline: "The Ghosts of the Past: everyday life 20 years after the Fall of Communism" (English version)

(English version)

"Political Mythology and History" (English version)

Deadline: "Post-Communism and the New European Identity" (English version)

Deadeline: The Branding of Post-Communist Nations (Edited Volume) (English version)

"Borders: a User Manual" (English version)

"Memory Politics: Education, memorials and mass media" (English version)

Deadline: "Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning" (English version)

Deadline: "Tito: Perceptions and Interpretations" (English version)

Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program (English version)

Deadline: Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2010 - 2011 (English version)

Deadline: "Beyond Methodological Nationalism: ..." (English version)

Fellowship for Advanced Doctoral Students (FADS) 2010 (English version)

"Applied and Experimental Philosophy in Knowledge Based Society (East and West)" (English version)

"Изкуства на новите медии – предизвикателство пред съвременното общество" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Myths of the Other in the Balkans. Representations, social practices and performances" (English version)

G-local Cosmopolitanism: the Social responsibility of the Academic, the Artist, and the Media (English version)

Deadline: "Anthropological perspectives in the research of Islam in the Balkans" (English version)

Deadline: Sofja Kovalevskaja Award for promising young researchers (English version)

Deadline: "Anthropology Otherwise: Rethinking Approaches to Fieldwork in Different Anthropological Traditions" (English version)

"Стратегически подход към управлението на културата и културните индустрии чрез предприемачество и иновации (Канадски и международен опит)" (Bulgarian version)

"Is Democracy Sick of Its Own Media?" (English version)

Deadline: "Need To Know II: Lessons Learned" (English version)

Deadline: Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (English version)

Deadline: "Regions of Memory. A Comparative Perspective on Eastern Europe" (English version)

"Гърци и траки на Западните понтийски брегове" (Bulgarian version)

"Social Networking in South-Eastern Europe, 15th–19th Centuries" (English version)

"Дигиталното творчество във времена на кризи: българската интернет култура в глобален контекст" (Bulgarian version)

“Digital Creativity in Times of Crisis: Bulgarian Networked Culture in Global Contexts” (English version)

Call for Papers: "Religious and Sexual Nationalism in Eastern Europe: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives" (English version)

Исторически конкурс "По следите на поляците в България" (Bulgarian version)

New Honorary Fellowship at the Historische Kolleg (English version)

Нова книга: "Еластичен (пост)секуларизъм" (Bulgarian version)

Program for visiting scholars at the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2016) (English version)

"Regions of Memory II: Memory Regions as Discourse and Imagination" (English version)

Call for Papers: "Cultural Literacy in Europe" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: "Cultural Literacy in Europe" (English version)

Краен срок: Стипендиантска програма на ЦАИ и NEC Букурещ "TEACHING EUROPE" (Bulgarian version)

Международна конференция "Културното наследство в миграция" (Bulgarian version)

International conference "Cultural Heritage in Migration" (English version)

Call for participants: International Conference "Domination and Adaptation" (English version)

International conference: "World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change" (English version)

Конференция "Медии и постистина" (Bulgarian version)

"Мястото и субекта в илюстрованите ракази за Истанбул от края на XVI в." (Bulgarian version)

Лекция: "Трансформациите в православното християнство в перспективата на longue-durée: социологически анализ" (Bulgarian version)

Магистърска степен по социология в Унгария (Bulgarian version)

Покана конференция: "От запад на изток: метаморфозите на дискурса в Европа (Bulgarian version)

Call for Applications: From West to East: Metamorphoses of Discourses in Europe (English version)

Международна конференция: "Зографската обител сред атонската монашеска общност: исторически път и място за служение на словото" (Bulgarian version)

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