Търсене на FUTURE
Significance and Periphery of the National Political History in the Book Bulgaria by R. J. Crampton (English version)
"От имиграционна политика към миграционно управление" (Bulgarian version)
"From Immigration Politics to Migration Management" (English version)
"The 'New' 'Liberal' Europe?: Speculations, Fears, Visions" (English version)
"Режими на историчност и дискурси на модерността, 1900-1945, Централна, Източна, Югоизточна и Скандинавска Европа" (Bulgarian version)
"Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945, in East-Central, Southeast and Northern Europe" (English version)
"Perspectives of the Muslim Communities in Former Yugoslavia and the Marginalization of the Muslim Heritage" (English version)
"Дисциплини и граници: Хуманитарните науки в интердисциплинарни времена" (Bulgarian version)
"Disciplines and Borders: Humanities research in an age of interdisciplinarity" (English version)
Стипендии за изготвяне на учебни курсове (Bulgarian version)
Curriculum Research Fellowships (English version)
ESF Exploratory Workshops - 2007 Call for Proposals (English version)
CLS Seminar ‘The Future through the Culture of the Past: Bulgarian Economic and Social History’ (English version)
From a Regional Historical Event to a Place of National Memory: Batak and Constructions of History in Bulgaria (English version)
Trans-Danubian Migrations of Bulgarians in the Early 19th century (English version)
Lecture "Public Images of the Civil Servants in Bulgaria, End of the 19th – Early 20th Century", 12 June (English version)
"The Genesis of Nationalism in Europe" (English version)
"Overcoming the Iron Curtain: Visions of the End of the Cold War in Europe, 1945-89" (English version)
Call for Papers: Distinktion, Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory (English version)
"Justifying War: Popaganda, Politics and War in the Modern Age" (English version)
"History of Knowledge: Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Young Researchers" (English version)
"The Idea of Education" (English version)
"Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe: ..." (English version)
European Science Foundation supports Exploratory Workshops (English version)
"Does the Past Matter?" (English version)
Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945 (English version)
"The Unbearable Charm of Frailty: Philosophizing in/on Eastern Europe" (English version)
ЦАИ обяви резултатите от стипендиантския конкурс за изследователския си проект "Режими на историчност" (Bulgarian version)
Applicants selected for participation in "Regimes of Historicity" (English version)
Postdoctoral researchers and Professorship in Contemporary Social Studies (English version)
"Europe Before and After 1989. Trans-national and comparative perspectives on Eastern & Western Europe" (English version)
"Diplomats and Dreamers. The Stancioff Family in Bulgarian History" (English version)
Call for Applications: Regimes of Historicity Project (English version)
"Post-Communism and the New European Identity" (English version)
"Църква и гражданско общество в България" (Bulgarian version)
"Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning" (English version)
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2010 - 2011 (English version)
"Monetary Policy during Economic Crises: a Comparative and Historical Perspective" (English version)
Research Fellowships 2011 in Social History (English version)
Call for Applications: 10 International Research Fellowships (English version)
Book Reviewers Wanted for the journal LABOR HISTORY (English version)
2011 OHS Annual Conference. Oral History and Regeneration (English version)
Mladena and Dianko Sotirov BIAP Visiting Fellowship (English version)
Fellowship Programme for 2010/11 for Young Scholars from Central and Eastern Europe (English version)
Studienkolleg zu Berlin 2011/12 - Call for Applications (English version)
"Urban Development and Politics in Europe and Russia" (English version)
Call for Papers: "Nationalism and the City" (English version)
Call for Papers: "The Balkans: Past, Present and Future Prospects" (English version)
Свободен достъп до някои от архивите на JSTOR (Bulgarian version)
JSTOR content freely available to the public for reading and downloading (English version)
"Need To Know II: Lessons Learned" (English version)
Deadline: A programme for future European leaders in the fields of science, business, politics, culture and administration (English version)
"Collaboration in Eastern Europe during World War II and the Holocaust" (English version)
Международна научна конференция по социални науки 2013 (Bulgarian version)
International Academic Conference on Social Sciences IACSS 2013 (English version)
"Размиване на границите: Експертни полета и пространства на намеса в производството на колективно/хибридно знание" (Bulgarian version)
"Blurring the Boundaries: Fields of Expertise and Spaces of Intervention in Collective/Hybrid Knowledge Production" (English version)
New Honorary Fellowship at the Historische Kolleg (English version)
Call for Papers: 22nd International Conference of Europeanists (English version)
"Европа на кръстопът или критика на утвърждаването" (Bulgarian version)
"Множественото бъдеще на консумативната култура: мечти и последици" (Bulgarian version)
Forum "Cultures of History" (English version)
Конференция: "Просвещението от Не-Западна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)
Покана за участи: "Отвъд кризата: нови посоки в изследванията на бежанците" (Bulgarian version)
International conference: "World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change" (English version)
Лекция: "Lateness: eвропейската перспектива през понятието на Адорно" (Bulgarian version)
Покана конференция: "От запад на изток: метаморфозите на дискурса в Европа (Bulgarian version)
Call for Applications: From West to East: Metamorphoses of Discourses in Europe (English version)
Покана за конференция: "Околна среда, територия, мобилност" (Bulgarian version)
Конкурс за участие в международната конференция за млади журналисти (Bulgarian version)
Докторантски стипендии: "Китайските отношения със страните от Източна и Централна Европа" (Bulgarian version)
PhD scholarship in China's Relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (English version)
Покана за участие: "Нови предизвикателства пред социалните и хуманитарните науки" (Bulgarian version)
"От имиграционна политика към миграционно управление" (Bulgarian version)
"From Immigration Politics to Migration Management" (English version)
"The 'New' 'Liberal' Europe?: Speculations, Fears, Visions" (English version)
"Режими на историчност и дискурси на модерността, 1900-1945, Централна, Източна, Югоизточна и Скандинавска Европа" (Bulgarian version)
"Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945, in East-Central, Southeast and Northern Europe" (English version)
"Perspectives of the Muslim Communities in Former Yugoslavia and the Marginalization of the Muslim Heritage" (English version)
"Дисциплини и граници: Хуманитарните науки в интердисциплинарни времена" (Bulgarian version)
"Disciplines and Borders: Humanities research in an age of interdisciplinarity" (English version)
Стипендии за изготвяне на учебни курсове (Bulgarian version)
Curriculum Research Fellowships (English version)
ESF Exploratory Workshops - 2007 Call for Proposals: Deadline (English version)
Human Capital and Economic Growth in Bulgaria, 1949-2005 (English version)
From a Regional Historical Event to a Place of National Memory: Batak and Constructions of History in Bulgaria (English version)
CLS Seminar: The Future through the Culture of the Past: Bulgarian Economic and Social History (English version)
Lecture "Public Images of the Civil Servants in Bulgaria, End of the 19th – Early 20th Century", 5. 30 p.m. (English version)
Deadline: "The Genesis of Nationalism in Europe" (English version)
Deadline: "Overcoming the Iron Curtain: Visions ..." (English version)
Deadline for Call for Papers: "Distinktion" (English version)
Deadline: "Justifying War: Popaganda, Politics and War in the Modern Age" (English version)
Deadline: "History of Knowledge: Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Young Researchers" (English version)
Call for Papers Deadline: "The Idea of Education" (English version)
Deadline: "Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe: ..." (English version)
Deadline: European Science Foundation supports Exploratory Workshops (English version)
Deadline: Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945 (English version)
"The Unbearable Charm of Frailty: Philosophizing in/on Eastern Europe" (English version)
Deadline: "Europe Before and After 1989" (English version)
"Diplomats and Dreamers. The Stancioff Family in Bulgarian History" (English version)
Deadline: "Post-Communism and the New European Identity" (English version)
"Църква и гражданско общество в България" (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: "Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning" (English version)
Deadline: Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2010 - 2011 (English version)
Deadline: "Monetary Policy during Economic Crises: a Comparative and Historical Perspective" (English version)
Deadline: Research Fellowships 2011 in Social History (English version)
Call for Applications Deadline: 10 International Research Fellowships (English version)
Deadline: Book Reviewers Wanted for the journal LABOR HISTORY (English version)
Deadline: 2011 OHS Annual Conference. Oral History and Regeneration (English version)
Deadeline: Mladena and Dianko Sotirov BIAP Visiting Fellowship (English version)
Deadline: Fellowship Programme for 2010/11 for Young Scholars from Central and Eastern Europe (English version)
Studienkolleg zu Berlin 2011/12 - Call for Applications Deadline (English version)
Deadline: "Urban Development and Politics in Europe and Russia" (English version)
Call for Papers Deadline: "Nationalism and the City" (English version)
Call for Papers Deadline: "The Balkans: Past, Present and Future Prospects" (English version)
Deadline: "Need To Know II: Lessons Learned" (English version)
A programme for future European leaders in the fields of science, business, politics, culture and administration (English version)
Deadline: "Collaboration in Eastern Europe during World War II and the Holocaust" (English version)
Краен срок: Международна научна конференция по социални науки 2013 (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: International Academic Conference on Social Sciences IACSS 2013 (English version)
"Размиване на границите: Експертни полета и пространства на намеса в производството на колективно/хибридно знание" (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: "Blurring the Boundaries: Fields of Expertise and Spaces of Intervention in Collective/Hybrid Knowledge Production" (English version)
New Honorary Fellowship at the Historische Kolleg (English version)
Call for Papers Deadline: 22nd International Conference of Europeanists (English version)
"Европа на кръстопът или критика на утвърждаването" (Bulgarian version)
"Множественото бъдеще на консумативната култура: мечти и последици" (Bulgarian version)
Конференция: "Просвещението от Не-Западна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)
Покана за участи: "Отвъд кризата: нови посоки в изследванията на бежанците" (Bulgarian version)
International conference: "World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change" (English version)
Лекция: "Lateness: eвропейската перспектива през понятието на Адорно" (Bulgarian version)
Покана конференция: "От запад на изток: метаморфозите на дискурса в Европа (Bulgarian version)
Call for Applications: From West to East: Metamorphoses of Discourses in Europe (English version)
43 Годишна конференция на Ирландското общество за руски, централно- и източено-еврепейски изследвания (Bulgarian version)
Конкурс за участие в международната конференция за млади журналисти (Bulgarian version)
Докторантски стипендии: "Китайските отношения със страните от Източна и Централна Европа" (Bulgarian version)
PhD scholarship in China's Relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (English version)
Покана за участие: "Нови предизвикателства пред социалните и хуманитарните науки" (Bulgarian version)