Търсене на civil
Rumiana Stoilova (English version)
Нора Голешевска (Bulgarian version)
Margarita Kaisheva (English version)
Mariella Andreevska (English version)
Borislav Dimitrov (English version)
Dimitrina Popova (English version)
Cross-national mentoring NGOs in transition societies (Bulgarian version)
Cross-national Mentoring NGOs in Transition Societies (English version)
Civil society and the Women's Market (English version)
"Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe 1770-1945" (English version)
"The 'New' 'Liberal' Europe?: Speculations, Fears, Visions" (English version)
"The Commemoration of the Great War in East-Central Europe 1918-1939" (English version)
Call for Papers: International Conference "Justice" (English version)
Международен семинар "Политическа култура и културни политики в Централна и Югоизточна Европа, 1850-1950" (Bulgarian version)
International Workshop "Political Culture and Cultural Politics in Central and South East Europe, 1850-1950". 5-7 July 2007 (English version)
Europe: Integration and/or Fragmentation? 22-23 June, Ljubljana (English version)
Petitions: the Campaign against the project 'Batak as a Place of Memory' (English version)
Call for Applications: CAS 2007-2008 Fellowship Programme (English version)
CFP: Second Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies. 9 - 10 November 2007 (English version)
Lecture "Public Images of the Civil Servants in Bulgaria, End of the 19th – Early 20th Century", 12 June (English version)
"Overcoming the Iron Curtain: Visions of the End of the Cold War in Europe, 1945-89" (English version)
"Justifying War: Popaganda, Politics and War in the Modern Age" (English version)
Call for Papers: "Evil, Law and the State" (English version)
"The Silence about Communism in Central and Southeastern Europe" (English version)
10 Postdoctoral Fellowships for Academic Year 2008/2009 (English version)
Junior and Senior Residential Fellowships of Koc University (English version)
"Beyond Imagined Uniqueness: Nationalisms in Comparative Perspective" (English version)
Mellon Research Fellowships 2008-2009 (English version)
PhD Scholarship Opportunity in Archaeology & Ancient History (English version)
Участие в сборник: "Съпротивата в Югоизточна Европа по време на Втората световна война" (Bulgarian version)
"New forms of human rights and civic engagement in the 21st century" (English version)
"Changing Dynamics of the Danubian Region – New Neighbourhood Policy in the EU" (English version)
Prolongation of Deadline: Call for Shaken Order Project (English version)
"The Unbearable Charm of Frailty: Philosophizing in/on Eastern Europe" (English version)
Professor of Organizational Sociology (English version)
"Freedom and Democracy: European Perceptions, European Perspectives" (English version)
Call for Participants "Markets as Networks" (English version)
"Representing Political Figures in Mass Media (XVIIIth – XXIst century)" (English version)
"Europe Before and After 1989. Trans-national and comparative perspectives on Eastern & Western Europe" (English version)
Religions and Values in Central and Eastern Europe (English version)
Сборникът "We, the People" излезе от печат (Bulgarian version)
"We, the People" edited by Diana Mishkova (English version)
Последният брой на Balkanologie е достъпен онлайн (Bulgarian version)
Balkanologie Journal last issue is online (English version)
Call for Papers: Cold War Interactions Reconsidered (English version)
2010 - 2011 Fulbright Grants Competition (English version)
"Regime Change and Transitions across the Danubian Region: 1989 – 2009" (English version)
"Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning" (English version)
International Doctoral Program in Social Sciences 2010 (English version)
2011 - 2012 FULBRIGHT Grants Competition (English version)
Лятно училище "Религията в публичния живот" (Bulgarian version)
Summer School "Religion in Public Life" (English version)
"“Reconstructing Imaginary and Real Byzantium: Historical and Cultural Legacy that Divide and Integrate Europe" (English version)
Residential Fellowship program for the 2011-2012 (English version)
"A Mosaic of Margins: Ethnicity, Religion and Belonging" (English version)
Student Conference "Reckoning with the Recent Past in Post-Dictatorial Societies" (English version)
Call for Papers: "Depiction and Construction of the "Other": Islamic Cities in the Eyes of European Travellers" (English version)
"Is Democracy Sick of Its Own Media?" (English version)
"Европейски цивилизационен процес. Избрани студии" (Bulgarian version)
Серия от лекции на Американския изследователски център в София и покана за участие в конференция (Bulgarian version)
"Living after the Fall(?): Past-Present in Southeastern Europe" (English version)
Специален брой на "Социологически проблеми" (Bulgarian version)
"Regions of Memory II: Memory Regions as Discourse and Imagination" (English version)
Лекции в София на философа Марк Дибен (Bulgarian version)
Конференция: "Просвещението от Не-Западна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)
Покана за участи: "Отвъд кризата: нови посоки в изследванията на бежанците" (Bulgarian version)
"Мястото и субекта в илюстрованите разкази за Истанбул от края на XVI в." (Bulgarian version)
"Николай Генчев (1931-2000) - между либерализма и национализма, между дисидентството и властта, между науката и псевдонауката" (Bulgarian version)
Кръгла маса: "Билингвизмът. Езикът като lieu de mémoirе" (Bulgarian version)
Покана за статия: "Към една нова типология на парамилитаризма: балкански и глобални перспективи" (Bulgarian version)
"Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe 1770-1945" (English version)
"The 'New' 'Liberal' Europe?: Speculations, Fears, Visions" (English version)
"The Commemoration of the Great War in East-Central Europe 1918-1939" (English version)
Call for Papers: International Conference "Justice": Deadline (English version)
Международен семинар "Политическа култура и културни политики в Централна и Югоизточна Европа, 1850-1950" (Bulgarian version)
International Workshop "Political Culture and Cultural Politics in Central and South East Europe, 1850-1950". 5-7 July 2007 (English version)
Registration Deadline. Europe: Integration and/or Fragmentation? 22-23 June, Ljubljana (English version)
Deadline for application: CAS 2007 - 2008 Fellowship Programme (English version)
Deadline: Second Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies. 9 - 10 November 2007 (English version)
Lecture "Public Images of the Civil Servants in Bulgaria, End of the 19th – Early 20th Century", 5. 30 p.m. (English version)
Deadline: "Overcoming the Iron Curtain: Visions ..." (English version)
Deadline: "Justifying War: Popaganda, Politics and War in the Modern Age" (English version)
Call for Papers Deadline: "Evil, Law and the State" (English version)
"The Silence about Communism in Central and Southeastern Europe" (English version)
Deadline: 10 Postdoctoral Fellowships for Academic Year 2008/2009 (English version)
Deadline: Junior and Senior Residential Fellowships of Koc University (English version)
Deadline: Mellon Research Fellowships 2008-2009 (English version)
Участие в сборник: "Съпротивата в Югоизточна Европа по време на Втората световна война" (Bulgarian version)
CfAppl Deadline: "New forms of human rights and civic engagement in the 21st century" (English version)
Deadline: "Changing Dynamics of the Danubian Region..." (English version)
Prolongation of Deadline: Call for Shaken Order Project (English version)
"The Unbearable Charm of Frailty: Philosophizing in/on Eastern Europe" (English version)
Deadline: Professor of Organizational Sociology (English version)
Deadline: "Freedom and Democracy: European Perceptions, European Perspectives" (English version)
Conference "Markets as Networks" (English version)
"Representing Political Figures in Mass Media (XVIIIth – XXIst century)" (English version)
Deadline: "Europe Before and After 1989" (English version)
Deadline: Religions and Values in Central and Eastern Europe (English version)
Call for Papers Deadline: Cold War Interactions Reconsidered (English version)
Deadline: 2010 - 2011 Fulbright Grants Competition (English version)
Deadline: "Regime Change and Transitions across the Danubian Region: 1989 – 2009" (English version)
Deadline: "Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning" (English version)
International Doctoral Program in Social Sciences 2010 (English version)
Deadline: 2011 - 2012 FULBRIGHT Grants Competition (English version)
Краен срок: Лятно училище "Религията в публичния живот" (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: Summer School "Religion in Public Life" (English version)
Deadline: "Reconstructing Imaginary and Real Byzantium: Historical and Cultural Legacy that Divide and Integrate Europe" (English version)
Deadline: Residential Fellowship program for the 2011-2012 (English version)
Deadline: "A Mosaic of Margins: Ethnicity, Religion and Belonging" (English version)
Student Conference Deadline: "Reckoning with the Recent Past in Post-Dictatorial Societies" (English version)
Call for Papers Deadline: "Depiction and Construction of the "Other": Islamic Cities in the Eyes of European Travellers" (English version)
"Is Democracy Sick of Its Own Media?" (English version)
"Европейски цивилизационен процес. Избрани студии" (Bulgarian version)
"Гърци и траки на Западните понтийски брегове" (Bulgarian version)
"Living after the Fall(?): Past-Present in Southeastern Europe" (English version)
"Regions of Memory II: Memory Regions as Discourse and Imagination" (English version)
Лекции в София на философа Марк Дибен (Bulgarian version)
Конференция: "Просвещението от Не-Западна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)
Покана за участи: "Отвъд кризата: нови посоки в изследванията на бежанците" (Bulgarian version)
"Мястото и субекта в илюстрованите ракази за Истанбул от края на XVI в." (Bulgarian version)
"Николай Генчев (1931-2000) - между либерализма и национализма, между дисидентството и властта, между науката и псевдонауката" (Bulgarian version)
Кръгла маса: "Билингвизмът. Езикът като lieu de mémoirе" (Bulgarian version)
Покана за статия: "Към една нова типология на парамилитаризма: балкански и глобални перспективи" (Bulgarian version)