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Търсене на life

Намерени резултати: 192


Pepka Boyadjieva (English version)

Irina Kuzidova (English version)

Mihail Mirchev (English version)

Victoria Zaevska (English version)


School and Schooling in the Kigdom of Bulgaria: Photoarchives - Part 2 (Education in Urban Areas) (Bulgarian version)

"Settlement life in The Balkans and Asia Minor through the centuries" (English version)


Метафизиката на Левинас: Правото на Другия (Bulgarian version)

Levinas' Metaphysics: Right of the Other (English version)

"Life in Motion: Shifting Spaces, Transcending Times, Crossing Borders" (English version)

"Режими на историчност и дискурси на модерността, 1900-1945, Централна, Източна, Югоизточна и Скандинавска Европа" (Bulgarian version)

"Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945, in East-Central, Southeast and Northern Europe" (English version)

Покана за участие в "Социология на риска и несигурността" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers: "Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty" (English version)

Call for Papers: The Legacy of the Chicago School (English version)

Семинар: "Съвременната философия" (Bulgarian version)

New Philosophy Seminar at Sofia University (English version)

CFP: "New Rights,re-imagining democracy". Deadline: 20 May 2007 (English version)

Публична лекция и семинар на проф. Марта Петрусевич (Bulgarian version)

Public Lecture and Workshop by Prof. Marta Petrusewicz (English version)

Call for Papers: Women and Gender in Socialist Eastern Europe (English version)

CfP: "Social Figurations of Violence and War beyond the State", 21-22.2.2008 (English version)

"Контекстуализиране на класическото минало: ..." (Bulgarian version)

"Contextualizing Classics: Renewal of Teaching Practices and Concepts" (English version)

Call for Papers: Self-Representation and Public Culture of the Balkan Urban Classes (English version)

"Southeastern Europe", a new interdisciplinary academic journal (English version)

"Emotion, Space and Society" (English version)

Max Planck Institute Cologne Potsdoctoral Fellowships (English version)

"The Silence about Communism in Central and Southeastern Europe" (English version)

"The Idea of Education" (English version)

Mellon Research Fellowships 2008-2009 (English version)

Training Programme: Early Independence For Post-Docs (English version)

"Cultural, Political and Religious Ideologies and the Appraisal of New Media" (English version)

PhD Scholarship Opportunity in Archaeology & Ancient History (English version)

Участие в сборник: "Съпротивата в Югоизточна Европа по време на Втората световна война" (Bulgarian version)


Call for papers: Social and Spiritual Aspects of Material Culture (English version)

"The Unbearable Charm of Frailty: Philosophizing in/on Eastern Europe" (English version)

ЦАИ обяви резултатите от стипендиантския конкурс за изследователския си проект "Режими на историчност" (Bulgarian version)

Applicants selected for participation in "Regimes of Historicity" (English version)

Totalitarian Laughter: Cultures of the Comic under Socialism (English version)

"Representing Political Figures in Mass Media (XVIIIth – XXIst century)" (English version)

Concepts and Consequences of Multilingualism in Europe (English version)

"The Ghosts of the Past: everyday life 20 years after the Fall of Communism" (English version)

Call for Papers: Cold War Interactions Reconsidered (English version)

"1989 – Images of Change" (English version)

"Political Mythology and History" (English version)

Електронно списание за софийска художествена култура "Пирон" (Bulgarian version)

"William Gladstone, Victorioanism, and Nationalism in Historical and Literary Perspective" (English version)

The Branding of Post-Communist Nations (Edited Volume) (English version)

"Diplomats and Dreamers: The Stancioff Family in Bulgarian History" (English version)

"Twenty Years After: Central and Eastern European Communist Regimes as a Shared Legacy" (English version)

"Borders: a User Manual" (English version)

Call for papers: "Tito: Perceptions and Interpretations" (English version)

Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program (English version)

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2010 - 2011 (English version)

"Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Researching Transnational Spaces, Cross-Border Diffusion, and Transnational Histories" (English version)

"Biography and Identity: Dilemmas and Opportunities" (English version)

The Totalitarianisms of the 20th Century in Comparative Perspective (English version)

Пролетна лекционна програма на Американския изследователски център в София (Bulgarian version)

ARCS Spring Prgoramme 2010 (English version)

Summer School "Religion in Public Life" (English version)

"From Totalitarianism towards Democracy in Central Eastern Europe" (English version)

Call for Publications: "The Anatomy of Marginality" (English version)

Advanced Academic Fellowship Programme of CAS (English version)

Десет изследователски стипендии за постдокторанти и утвърдени учени (Bulgarian version)

Call for Applications: 10 International Research Fellowships (English version)

Postdoctoral Fellowships at the European University Institute (English version)

"Какво е авангардното в руския авангард?" (Bulgarian version)

Международна лятна школа "Етнос, религия и принадлежност" (Bulgarian version)

"A Mosaic of Margins: Ethnicity, Religion and Belonging" (English version)

Edited collection: "Anthropological perspectives in the research of Islam in the Balkans" (English version)

"Nationalism from the Left: the Bulgarian Communist Party during the Second World War and the Early Post-War Years" (English version)

"Ritual and Sincerity: Certitude and the Other" (English version)

Residential fellowships for advanced study (English version)

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities (English version)

Fellowships 2012/13 "Work and Life Course in Global History" (English version)

"Миграция и идентичност: Исторически, културни и лингвистични измерения на мобилността на Балканите" (Bulgarian version)

"Is Democracy Sick of Its Own Media?" (English version)

"Regions of Memory. A Comparative Perspective on Eastern Europe" (English version)

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities and Humanistic Sciences (English version)

Статии на Ерик Хобсбаум със свободен достъп (Bulgarian version)

"Може ли един несъществуващ квартал да бъде място на възпоменание" (Bulgarian version)

“Can a Non-Extant District be a Heritage Place?” (English version)

"Революциите на Балканите: бунтове и въстания в епохата на национализма (1804-1908)" (Bulgarian version)

"Revolutions in the Balkans Revolts and uprisings in the era of nationalism (1804-1908)" (English version)

"Collaboration in Eastern Europe during World War II and the Holocaust" (English version)

"Проблеми и подходи в изследването на Станиславовия чети-миней" (Bulgarian version)

13th International Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

"Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History" Fellowships (English version)

“Digital Creativity in Times of Crisis: Bulgarian Networked Culture in Global Contexts” (English version)

New Honorary Fellowship at the Historische Kolleg (English version)

2015 - 2016 EURIAS Fellowship Programme (English version)

"Twenty Five Years Later. History and Memory of Communism" (English version)

3 Visiting Fellowships. The Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel (English version)

Assembling the Post-Liberal Order in Central and Eastern Europe (1929-1956) (English version)

"Полови роли и възгледи за образованието, наемната работа и семейния живот в Румъния и България" (Bulgarian version)

Program for visiting scholars at the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2016) (English version)

Doctoral Programme of the European University Institute (English version)

Confessional Dynamics in Islamic Legal Thought and Practice in the Ottoman Empire, 15th-18th centuries (English version)

Йорг Шулте върху Набоков (Bulgarian version)

Конференция: "Просвещението от Не-Западна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)


"Властта, политическия ред и ежедневието на Балканите: от пост-османски държави до пост-социалистически демокрации" (Bulgarian version)

"Power, Political Order and Everyday Life in the Balkans: From Post-Ottoman Nation States to Post-Socialist Democracies" (English version)

Публична лекция на д-р Бен Карвър: "An Entangled Forest: Evolution and Speculative Fiction" (Bulgarian version)

Стипендии за визуални артисти и писатели на Институт за академични изследвания, CEU (Bulgarian version)


Метафизиката на Левинас: Правото на Другия (Bulgarian version)

Levinas' Metaphysics: Right of the Other (English version)

"Life in Motion: Shifting Spaces, Transcending Times, Crossing Borders" (English version)

"Режими на историчност и дискурси на модерността, 1900-1945, Централна, Източна, Югоизточна и Скандинавска Европа" (Bulgarian version)

"Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945, in East-Central, Southeast and Northern Europe" (English version)

Изтича срока за подаване на участие в "Социология на риска и несигурността" (Bulgarian version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty" (English version)

Deadline for Call for Papers: The Legacy of the Chicago School (English version)

Семинар: "Съвременната философия" (Bulgarian version)

New Philosophy Seminar at Sofia University (English version)

Публична лекция и семинар на проф. Марта Петрусевич (Bulgarian version)

Public Lecture and Workshop by Prof. Marta Petrusewicz (English version)

CfPDeadline: Women and Gnder in Socialist Eastern Europe (English version)

Deadline: "Social Figurations of Violence and War beyond the State" Workshop (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: Self-Representation and Public Culture of the Balkan Urban Classes (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "Emotion, Space and Society" (English version)

Deadline: Max Planck Institute Cologne Potsdoctoral Fellowships (English version)

"The Silence about Communism in Central and Southeastern Europe" (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "The Idea of Education" (English version)

Deadline: Mellon Research Fellowships 2008-2009 (English version)

Training Programme Deadline: Early Independence For Post-Docs (English version)

Deadline: "Cultural, Political and Religious Ideologies and the Appraisal of New Media" (English version)

Участие в сборник: "Съпротивата в Югоизточна Европа по време на Втората световна война" (Bulgarian version)


Call for papers Deadline: Social and Spiritual Aspects of Material Culture (English version)

"The Unbearable Charm of Frailty: Philosophizing in/on Eastern Europe" (English version)

Deadline: Totalitarian Laughter: Cultures of the Comic under Socialism (English version)

"Representing Political Figures in Mass Media (XVIIIth – XXIst century)" (English version)

Deadline: Concepts and Consequences of Multilingualism in Europe (English version)

Deadline: "The Ghosts of the Past: everyday life 20 years after the Fall of Communism" (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: Cold War Interactions Reconsidered (English version)

Deadline: "1989 – Images of Change" (English version)

"Political Mythology and History" (English version)

Deadline: "William Gladstone, Victorioanism, and Nationalism in Historical and Literary Perspective" (English version)

Deadeline: The Branding of Post-Communist Nations (Edited Volume) (English version)

Deadline: "Twenty Years After: Central and Eastern European Communist Regimes as a Shared Legacy" (English version)

"Borders: a User Manual" (English version)

Deadline: "Tito: Perceptions and Interpretations" (English version)

Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program (English version)

Deadline: Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2010 - 2011 (English version)

Deadline: "Beyond Methodological Nationalism: ..." (English version)

Deadline: "Biography and Identity: Dilemmas and Opportunities" (English version)

The Totalitarianisms of the 20th Century in Comparative Perspective (English version)

Deadline: Summer School "Religion in Public Life" (English version)

Deadline: "From Totalitarianism towards Democracy in Central Eastern Europe" (English version)

Deadline: Call for Publications "The Anatomy of Marginality" (English version)

Deadline: Advanced Academic Fellowship Programme of CAS (English version)

Краен срок: Десет изследователски стипендии за постдокторанти и утвърдени учени (Bulgarian version)

Call for Applications Deadline: 10 International Research Fellowships (English version)

Deadline: Postdoctoral Fellowships at the European University Institute (English version)

"Какво е авангардното в руския авангард?" (Bulgarian version)

Краен срок: Международна лятна школа "Етнос, религия и принадлежност" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "A Mosaic of Margins: Ethnicity, Religion and Belonging" (English version)

Deadline: "Anthropological perspectives in the research of Islam in the Balkans" (English version)

"Ritual and Sincerity: Certitude and the Other" (English version)

Deadline: Residential fellowships for advanced study (English version)

Deadline: Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities (English version)

Deadline: Fellowships 2012/13 "Work and Life Course in Global History" (English version)

"Миграция и идентичност: Исторически, културни и лингвистични измерения на мобилността на Балканите" (Bulgarian version)

"Is Democracy Sick of Its Own Media?" (English version)

Deadline: "Regions of Memory. A Comparative Perspective on Eastern Europe" (English version)

Deadline: Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities and Humanistic Sciences (English version)

"Може ли един несъществуващ квартал да бъде място на възпоменание" (Bulgarian version)

“Can a Non-Extant District be a Heritage Place?” (English version)

Краен срок: "Революциите на Балканите: бунтове и въстания в епохата на национализма (1804-1908)" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Revolutions in the Balkans Revolts and uprisings in the era of nationalism (1804-1908)" (English version)

Deadline: "Collaboration in Eastern Europe during World War II and the Holocaust" (English version)

"Проблеми и подходи в изследването на Станиславовия чети-миней" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: 13th International Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

Deadline: "Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History" Fellowships (English version)

“Digital Creativity in Times of Crisis: Bulgarian Networked Culture in Global Contexts” (English version)

New Honorary Fellowship at the Historische Kolleg (English version)

Deadline: 2015 - 2016 EURIAS Fellowship Programme (English version)

Deadline: "Twenty Five Years Later. History and Memory of Communism" (English version)

3 Visiting Fellowships. The Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel (English version)

Deadline: Assembling the Post-Liberal Order in Central and Eastern Europe (1929-1956) (English version)

"Полови роли и възгледи за образованието, наемната работа и семейния живот в Румъния и България" (Bulgarian version)

Program for visiting scholars at the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2016) (English version)

Doctoral Programme of the European University Institute (English version)

Йорг Шулте върху Набоков (Bulgarian version)

Конференция: "Просвещението от Не-Западна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)


"Властта, политическия ред и ежедневието на Балканите: от пост-османски държави до пост-социалистически демокрации" (Bulgarian version)

"Power, Political Order and Everyday Life in the Balkans: From Post-Ottoman Nation States to Post-Socialist Democracies" (English version)

Публична лекция на д-р Бен Карвър: "An Entangled Forest: Evolution and Speculative Fiction" (Bulgarian version)

Стипендии за визуални артисти и писатели на Институт за академични изследвания, CEU (Bulgarian version)

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