Търсене на ECONOMIC
Roumen Avramov (English version)
Tanya Chavdarova (English version)
Evelina Razhdavichka (English version)
Stanislav Stoyanov (English version)
Heinz-Rudi Spiegel (English version)
Mihail Mirchev (English version)
Dionisi Nikolov (English version)
Markus Wien (English version)
Hristo Hristozov (English version)
Velislava Petrova (English version)
Julia Stefanova (English version)
Elitsa Uzunova (English version)
Zornitsa Velinova (English version)
Petko Miran (English version)
Ekaterina Markova (English version)
The Economic 20th Century of Bulgaria (English version)
The Bagryanov Economic Plan 1942-1946 (English version)
Thought Statistics (English version)
The Culture of Camouflage - the Culture of the Transition form Modernity to Postmodernity (English version)
Preexposing of Social Capital in the Progress of Eurointegration of Bulgarian Society (English version)
Significance and Periphery of the National Political History in the Book Bulgaria by R. J. Crampton (English version)
"Life in Motion: Shifting Spaces, Transcending Times, Crossing Borders" (English version)
"Global Labor History and the Question of Freedom and Unfreedom" (English version)
"The 'New' 'Liberal' Europe?: Speculations, Fears, Visions" (English version)
Call for Papers: "Nation, Community, and the State" (English version)
"Perspectives of the Muslim Communities in Former Yugoslavia and the Marginalization of the Muslim Heritage" (English version)
“Revolution of the Proletariat vs. Revolution of the Technocracy: 'HTP' as a Surrogate for the Economic Reforms in the period 1970-1989” (English version)
The Max Planck Postdoctoral Fellowships: Call for Applications (English version)
Applications for funded visits of up to three months (English version)
22nd Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (English version)
Летен курс "Култура и познавателна способност" (Bulgarian version)
Summer Course "Culture and Cognition" (English version)
Call for Papers: SLOVO, Volume 19.2 (Autumn 2007) (English version)
"Divorce, Women and Families in the Balkans (XVIIIth-XXth centuries)" (English version)
"Постигане на финансова стабилност" (Bulgarian version)
Sofia Philosophical Review, 2006/ бр. I, No.1 (Bulgarian version)
Sofia Philosophical Review, 2006/ Volume I, No.1 (English version)
CLS Seminar ‘The Future through the Culture of the Past: Bulgarian Economic and Social History’ (English version)
Public Lecture and Workshop by Prof. Marta Petrusewicz (English version)
Trans-Danubian Migrations of Bulgarians in the Early 19th century (English version)
'Globalization and its Impacts and Localities'. September 05-07, 2007 (English version)
CFP: Second Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies. 9 - 10 November 2007 (English version)
Fall Training Sessions: CEU's Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) (English version)
Lecture "Public Images of the Civil Servants in Bulgaria, End of the 19th – Early 20th Century", 12 June (English version)
CFP: "Nationalism, East and West:Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood", April 2008 (English version)
Annual Conference of the British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies (English version)
Call for Papers: Distinktion, Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory (English version)
CfP: 10th Annual Kokkalis Graduate Student Workshop (English version)
"Justifying War: Popaganda, Politics and War in the Modern Age" (English version)
Call for Publications: Valahian Journal of Historical Studies (English version)
"Има ли бъдеще подкрепата за демокрацията по света?" (Bulgarian version)
"Национални конфликти, граници и асиметрична интеграция: Случаят с Хабсбургския митнически съюз" (Bulgarian version)
Max Planck Institute Cologne Potsdoctoral Fellowships (English version)
Две докторантски позиции в областта на икономическа методология и история (Bulgarian version)
Two PhD-positions at the University of Amsterdam (English version)
"The Silence about Communism in Central and Southeastern Europe" (English version)
Research Presentation: Institute of Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research (English version)
"The Idea of Education" (English version)
European University Institute invites applications for its PhD Programme (English version)
Изследователски стипендии в областта на данъчното законодателство (Bulgarian version)
Fellowships in European and International Tax Law (English version)
"East-Central Europe in the Cold War 1945-1989" (English version)
"System changes of South East European societies: Social, political and demographic consequences" (English version)
"Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe: ..." (English version)
Участие в сборник: "Съпротивата в Югоизточна Европа по време на Втората световна война" (Bulgarian version)
"Changing Dynamics of the Danubian Region – New Neighbourhood Policy in the EU" (English version)
"Икономическите и социалните неравенства в историческа перспектива" (Bulgarian version)
"Economic and Social Inequalities in Historical Perspective" (English version)
"Turkish Nationalism - A Historical and Contemporary Overview" (English version)
"The Unbearable Charm of Frailty: Philosophizing in/on Eastern Europe" (English version)
"Transformation and the Dynamics of (Radical) Change: Insights from Political Theory and Philosophy" (English version)
Call for Publication: "Popular Culture and Socialism(s)" (English version)
"European towns between Western democracies and totalitarian systems" (English version)
Call for Participants "Markets as Networks" (English version)
"Europe Before and After 1989. Trans-national and comparative perspectives on Eastern & Western Europe" (English version)
"Diplomats and Dreamers. The Stancioff Family in Bulgarian History" (English version)
"Action Theory in Philosophy and the Social Sciences" (English version)
Call for Papers: Cold War Interactions Reconsidered (English version)
"The Politics of Inequality and Difference: Critical Approaches in Anthropology and Sociology" (English version)
"William Gladstone, Victorioanism, and Nationalism in Historical and Literary Perspective" (English version)
Fellowship on the Political Economy of South East Europe (English version)
The Branding of Post-Communist Nations (Edited Volume) (English version)
"Regime Change and Transitions across the Danubian Region: 1989 – 2009" (English version)
"Twenty Years After: Central and Eastern European Communist Regimes as a Shared Legacy" (English version)
"Borders: a User Manual" (English version)
Call for papers: "Tito: Perceptions and Interpretations" (English version)
"България и Европа: Променящи се идентичности" (Bulgarian version)
"Bulgaria and Europe: Shifting Identities" (English version)
"The History of Families and Households: Comparative European Dimensions" (English version)
Международна докторантска програма за 2010 г. (Bulgarian version)
International Doctoral Program in Social Sciences 2010 (English version)
"Monetary Policy during Economic Crises: a Comparative and Historical Perspective" (English version)
Visiting Fellowship on the Political Economy of South East Europe (English version)
"Applied and Experimental Philosophy in Knowledge Based Society (East and West)" (English version)
Scholarships for Balkan students at the Postgraduate Programme in South-East European Studies (English version)
"Myths of the Other in the Balkans. Representations, social practices and performances" (English version)
"From Totalitarianism towards Democracy in Central Eastern Europe" (English version)
"Изковаване на нацията: прояви и ритуали във (въз)производството на нацията" (Bulgarian version)
"Forging the Nation: Performance and Ritual in the (Re)production of Nations" (English version)
Postdoctoral Fellowships at the European University Institute (English version)
Академична школа: "Социалната отговорност на учения, артиста и медиите" (Bulgarian version)
G-local Cosmopolitanism: the Social responsibility of the Academic, the Artist, and the Media (English version)
"Балканите в Студената война" (Bulgarian version)
Call For Papers: The Balkans in the Cold War (English version)
Изследователска стипендия "Младена и Дянко Сотирови" (Bulgarian version)
"A Mosaic of Margins: Ethnicity, Religion and Belonging" (English version)
"Inequality and Diversity in European Rural Areas" (English version)
"Глобалният град и националната държава" (Bulgarian version)
"Crisis: Interruptions, Reactions and Continuities in Central and Eastern Europe" (English version)
"Urban Development and Politics in Europe and Russia" (English version)
Call for Papers: "Depiction and Construction of the "Other": Islamic Cities in the Eyes of European Travellers" (English version)
"Twenty Years of Macedonian Independence" (English version)
Покана за публикации: "Балканите: Минало, настояще и бъдеще" (Bulgarian version)
Call for Papers: "The Balkans: Past, Present and Future Prospects" (English version)
"Стратегически подход към управлението на културата и културните индустрии чрез предприемачество и иновации (Канадски и международен опит)" (Bulgarian version)
Международно изложение "Образование без граници" (Bulgarian version)
New Europe College announces the competition for Fellowships for the academic year 2012-13. (English version)
Leverhulme Trust's Early Career Fellowship (English version)
"Economic, Political and Social Crisis in the EU: Challenges and Opportunities” (English version)
Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (English version)
"Regions of Memory. A Comparative Perspective on Eastern Europe" (English version)
"Революциите на Балканите: бунтове и въстания в епохата на национализма (1804-1908)" (Bulgarian version)
"Revolutions in the Balkans Revolts and uprisings in the era of nationalism (1804-1908)" (English version)
13th International Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe (English version)
60 Years Diplomatic Relations between Bulgaria and Greece, 1954-2014 (English version)
“Digital Creativity in Times of Crisis: Bulgarian Networked Culture in Global Contexts” (English version)
New Europe College International Fellowships (English version)
"Paradise Found, or Paradise Lost? Nostalgia, Culture and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe" (English version)
Venezuela is not Ukraine? Reflections on the Emergent Protest Movements in the Post/Socialist World (English version)
"Epistemologies of In-Betweenness: East Central Europe and the World History of Social Science, 1890-1945" (English version)
New Europe College International Fellowships (English version)
Call for Proposals: History of Economic Thought Under Communism (English version)
"Парична и икономическа статистика на Югоизточна Европа от XIX век до Втората световна война" (Bulgarian version)
International Conference "Town and Country in the Byzantine World: Social and Economic Perspectives" (English version)
3 Visiting Fellowships. The Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel (English version)
Assembling the Post-Liberal Order in Central and Eastern Europe (1929-1956) (English version)
“Financial development and economic growth in South -East Europe – a historical and comparative perspective” (English version)
Program for visiting scholars at the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2016) (English version)
Лекционна програма на Американски научен център в София (Bulgarian version)
American Research Center in Sofia: Fall 2015 Schedule (English version)
Doctoral Programme of the European University Institute (English version)
Лекции в София на философа Марк Дибен (Bulgarian version)
Конференция: "Просвещението от Не-Западна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)
Покана за участи: "Отвъд кризата: нови посоки в изследванията на бежанците" (Bulgarian version)
International conference: "World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change" (English version)
"Можем ли да говорим за една или повече Европи?" (Bulgarian version)
Изследователски грантове: "История на манастирската икономика" (Bulgarian version)
Международна конференция: "Великите идеи" на Балканите (18 - 20 век) (Bulgarian version)
Магистърска степен по социология в Унгария (Bulgarian version)
Покана за конференция: "Множеството капитализми на средиземноморието (XVIII-XX в.)" (Bulgarian version)
Покана за конференция: "Околна среда, територия, мобилност" (Bulgarian version)
Докторантски стипендии: "Китайските отношения със страните от Източна и Централна Европа" (Bulgarian version)
PhD scholarship in China's Relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (English version)
Нова книга: "Възрожденският Пловдив: трансформация, хегемония, национализъм" (Bulgarian version)
Стипендии на Нов Европейски Колеж (NEC), Букурещ за 2021/2022 г. (Bulgarian version)
Call for Applications: 2021/ 2022 NEC Fellowships (English version)
Покана за статия: "Към една нова типология на парамилитаризма: балкански и глобални перспективи" (Bulgarian version)
"Life in Motion: Shifting Spaces, Transcending Times, Crossing Borders" (English version)
"Global Labor History and the Question of Freedom and Unfreedom" (English version)
"The 'New' 'Liberal' Europe?: Speculations, Fears, Visions" (English version)
Call for Papers: "Nation, Community, and the State" (English version)
"Perspectives of the Muslim Communities in Former Yugoslavia and the Marginalization of the Muslim Heritage" (English version)
“Revolution of the Proletariat vs. Revolution of the Technocracy: 'HTP' as a Surrogate for the Economic Reforms in the period 1970-1989” (English version)
The Max Planck Postdoctoral Fellowships: Call for Applications (English version)
Applications for funded visits of up to three months (English version)
22nd Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (English version)
Летен курс "Култура и познавателна способност" (Bulgarian version)
Summer Course "Culture and Cognition" (English version)
Deadline: Call for Papers - SLOVO, Volume 19.2 (Autumn 2007) (English version)
Deadline: "Divorce, Women and Families in the Balkans (XVIIIth-XXth centuries)" (English version)
"Постигане на финансова стабилност" (Bulgarian version)
Human Capital and Economic Growth in Bulgaria, 1949-2005 (English version)
Public Lecture and Workshop by Prof. Marta Petrusewicz (English version)
CLS Seminar: The Future through the Culture of the Past: Bulgarian Economic and Social History (English version)
CFP Deadline:'Globalization and its Impacts and Localities'. September 05-07, 2007 (English version)
Deadline: Second Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies. 9 - 10 November 2007 (English version)
Upcoming Deadline for CRC's Fall 2007 Sessions (English version)
Lecture "Public Images of the Civil Servants in Bulgaria, End of the 19th – Early 20th Century", 5. 30 p.m. (English version)
Deadline of CFP: "Nationalism, East and West:Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood" (English version)
Deadline: Annual Conference of the British Association... (English version)
Deadline for Call for Papers: "Distinktion" (English version)
CfP Deadline: 10th Annual Kokkalis Graduate Student Workshop (English version)
Deadline: "Justifying War: Popaganda, Politics and War in the Modern Age" (English version)
Call for Publications Deadline: Valahian Journal of Historical Studies (English version)
"Има ли бъдеще подкрепата за демокрацията по света?" (Bulgarian version)
"Национални конфликти, граници и асиметрична интеграция: Случаят с Хабсбургския митнически съюз" (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: Max Planck Institute Cologne Potsdoctoral Fellowships (English version)
Краен срок: Две докторантски позиции в областта на икономическа методология и история (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: Two PhD-positions at the University of Amsterdam (English version)
"The Silence about Communism in Central and Southeastern Europe" (English version)
Research Presentation: Institute of Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research (English version)
Call for Papers Deadline: "The Idea of Education" (English version)
European University Institute invites applications for its PhD Programme (English version)
Краен срок: Изследователски стипендии в областта на данъчното законодателство (Bulgarian version)
Fellowships Deadline in European and International Tax Law (English version)
Deadline: "East-Central Europe in the Cold War 1945-1989" (English version)
Deadline: "System changes of South East European societies:..." (English version)
Deadline: "Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe: ..." (English version)
Участие в сборник: "Съпротивата в Югоизточна Европа по време на Втората световна война" (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: "Changing Dynamics of the Danubian Region..." (English version)
Краен срок: "Икономическите и социалните неравенства в историческа перспектива" (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: "Economic and Social Inequalities in Historical Perspective" (English version)
"Turkish Nationalism - A Historical and Contemporary Overview" (English version)
"The Unbearable Charm of Frailty: Philosophizing in/on Eastern Europe" (English version)
Deadline: "Transformation and the Dynamics of (Radical) Change: Insights from Political Theory and Philosophy" (English version)
Call for Publication Deadline: "Popular Culture and Socialism(s)" (English version)
Deadline: "European towns between Western democracies and totalitarian systems" (English version)
Conference "Markets as Networks" (English version)
Deadline: "Europe Before and After 1989" (English version)
"Diplomats and Dreamers. The Stancioff Family in Bulgarian History" (English version)
Deadline: "Action Theory in Philosophy and the Social Sciences" (English version)
Call for Papers Deadline: Cold War Interactions Reconsidered (English version)
Deadline: "The Politics of Inequality and Difference: Critical Approaches in Anthropology and Sociology" (English version)
Deadline: "William Gladstone, Victorioanism, and Nationalism in Historical and Literary Perspective" (English version)
Fellowship Deadline on the Political Economy of South East Europe (English version)
Deadeline: The Branding of Post-Communist Nations (Edited Volume) (English version)
Deadline: "Regime Change and Transitions across the Danubian Region: 1989 – 2009" (English version)
Deadline: "Twenty Years After: Central and Eastern European Communist Regimes as a Shared Legacy" (English version)
"Borders: a User Manual" (English version)
Deadline: "Tito: Perceptions and Interpretations" (English version)
"The History of Families and Households: Comparative European Dimensions" (English version)
Креан срок: Международна докторантска програма за 2010 г. (Bulgarian version)
International Doctoral Program in Social Sciences 2010 (English version)
Deadline: "Monetary Policy during Economic Crises: a Comparative and Historical Perspective" (English version)
Deadline: Visiting Fellowship on the Political Economy of South East Europe (English version)
"Applied and Experimental Philosophy in Knowledge Based Society (East and West)" (English version)
Deadline: Scholarships for Balkan students at the Postgraduate Programme in South-East European Studies (English version)
Deadline: "Myths of the Other in the Balkans. Representations, social practices and performances" (English version)
"Изковаване на нацията: прояви и ритуали във (въз)производството на нацията" (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: "Forging the Nation: Performance and Ritual in the (Re)production of Nations" (English version)
Deadline: Postdoctoral Fellowships at the European University Institute (English version)
Академична школа: "Социалната отговорност на учена, артиста и медиите" (Bulgarian version)
G-local Cosmopolitanism: the Social responsibility of the Academic, the Artist, and the Media (English version)
Краен срок: "Балканите в Студената война" (Bulgarian version)
Call For Papers Deadline: The Balkans in the Cold War (English version)
Изследователска стипендия "Младена и Дянко Сотирови" (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: "A Mosaic of Margins: Ethnicity, Religion and Belonging" (English version)
Deadline: "Inequality and Diversity in European Rural Areas" (English version)
"Глобалният град и националната държава" (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: "Crisis: Interruptions, Reactions and Continuities in Central and Eastern Europe" (English version)
Deadline: "Urban Development and Politics in Europe and Russia" (English version)
Call for Papers Deadline: "Depiction and Construction of the "Other": Islamic Cities in the Eyes of European Travellers" (English version)
Deadline: "Twenty Years of Macedonian Independence" (English version)
Краен срок: "Балканите: Минало, настояще и бъдеще" (Bulgarian version)
Call for Papers Deadline: "The Balkans: Past, Present and Future Prospects" (English version)
"Стратегически подход към управлението на културата и културните индустрии чрез предприемачество и иновации (Канадски и международен опит)" (Bulgarian version)
Международно изложение "Образование без граници" (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: New Europe College announces the competition for Fellowships for the academic year 2012-13. (English version)
Deadline: Leverhulme Trust's Early Career Fellowship (English version)
Deadline: "Economic, Political and Social Crisis in the EU: Challenges and Opportunities” (English version)
Deadline: Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (English version)
Deadline: "Regions of Memory. A Comparative Perspective on Eastern Europe" (English version)
Краен срок: "Революциите на Балканите: бунтове и въстания в епохата на национализма (1804-1908)" (Bulgarian version)
Deadline: "Revolutions in the Balkans Revolts and uprisings in the era of nationalism (1804-1908)" (English version)
Deadline: 13th International Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe (English version)
60 Years Diplomatic Relations between Bulgaria and Greece, 1954-2014 (English version)
“Digital Creativity in Times of Crisis: Bulgarian Networked Culture in Global Contexts” (English version)
Deadline: New Europe College International Fellowships (English version)
"Paradise Found, or Paradise Lost? Nostalgia, Culture and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe" (English version)
Venezuela is not Ukraine? Reflections on the Emergent Protest Movements in the Post/Socialist World (English version)
Deadline: "Epistemologies of In-Betweenness: East Central Europe and the World History of Social Science, 1890-1945" (English version)
Deadline: New Europe College International Fellowships (English version)
Call for Proposals: History of Economic Thought Under Communism (English version)
International Conference "Town and Country in the Byzantine World: Social and Economic Perspectives" (English version)
3 Visiting Fellowships. The Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel (English version)
Deadline: Assembling the Post-Liberal Order in Central and Eastern Europe (1929-1956) (English version)
“Financial development and economic growth in South -East Europe – a historical and comparative perspective” (English version)
Program for visiting scholars at the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2016) (English version)
"Модернизацията на Югоизточна Европа (19-21 в.)" (Bulgarian version)
Doctoral Programme of the European University Institute (English version)
Лекции в София на философа Марк Дибен (Bulgarian version)
Конференция: "Просвещението от Не-Западна перспектива" (Bulgarian version)
Покана за участи: "Отвъд кризата: нови посоки в изследванията на бежанците" (Bulgarian version)
International conference: "World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change" (English version)
"Можем ли да говорим за една или повече Европи?" (Bulgarian version)
Изследователски грантове: "История на манастирската икономика" (Bulgarian version)
Международна конференция: "Великите идеи" на Балканите (18 - 20 век) (Bulgarian version)
Магистърска степен по социология в Унгария (Bulgarian version)
Покана за конференция: "Множеството капитализми на средиземноморието (XVIII-XX в.)" (Bulgarian version)
43 Годишна конференция на Ирландското общество за руски, централно- и източено-еврепейски изследвания (Bulgarian version)
Докторантски стипендии: "Китайските отношения със страните от Източна и Централна Европа" (Bulgarian version)
PhD scholarship in China's Relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (English version)
Стипендии на Нов Европейски Колеж (NEC), Букурещ за 2021/2022 г. (Bulgarian version)
Call for Applications: 2021/ 2022 NEC Fellowships (English version)
Покана за статия: "Към една нова типология на парамилитаризма: балкански и глобални перспективи" (Bulgarian version)