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Намерени резултати: 468


Vasil Penchev (English version)

Slav Okov (English version)


Желание или омерзение от “обща” идентичност. Европейските стратегии за информационно общество като инструмент за конструиране на идентичност и локалните реалности: ситуацията в България (Bulgarian version)

Longing or Loathing a “Common” Identity. The European Strategies for Information Society as an Instrument for Constructing Identity and the Local Realities: the Case of Bulgaria (English version)

Теоремата на фон Нойман за отсъствие на скрити параметри в квантовата механика (Bulgarian version)


Call for Papers: Historocal Workshop (English version)

"От имиграционна политика към миграционно управление" (Bulgarian version)

"From Immigration Politics to Migration Management" (English version)

Европейската научна фондация финансира международна конференция (Bulgarian version)

Call for Proposals - ESF Research Conferences 2008 (English version)

"Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe 1770-1945" (English version)

"Global Labor History and the Question of Freedom and Unfreedom" (English version)

Call for Papers: "Nation, Community, and the State" (English version)

"Globalization, Digitization, Access, and Preservation of Cultural Heritage" (English version)

Andrew W. Mellon East-Central European Research Visiting Fellowships (English version)

Стипендиантска програма в областта на медийните изследвания, 2007-2008 г. (Bulgarian version)

Visiting Fellows Program in Media Studies (English version)

Call for Papers: "Beyond the Nation?" (English version)

"Дисциплини и граници: Хуманитарните науки в интердисциплинарни времена" (Bulgarian version)

"Disciplines and Borders: Humanities research in an age of interdisciplinarity" (English version)

The Max Planck Postdoctoral Fellowships: Call for Applications (English version)

"Градски артефакти: Видове, практики, циркулации" (Bulgarian version)

"Urban Artefacts: Types, Practices, Circulations" (English version)

Applications for funded visits of up to three months (English version)

22nd Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (English version)

Summer Course "Culture and Cognition" (English version)

Mellon Research Fellowships in Turkey (English version)

Семинар: "Съвременната философия" (Bulgarian version)

New Philosophy Seminar at Sofia University (English version)

"Divorce, Women and Families in the Balkans (XVIIIth-XXth centuries)" (English version)

Labouring Feminism and Feminist Working-Class History in Europe and Beyond (English version)

Sofia Philosophical Review, 2006/ бр. I, No.1 (Bulgarian version)

Sofia Philosophical Review, 2006/ Volume I, No.1 (English version)

European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) (English version)

CFP: "New Rights,re-imagining democracy". Deadline: 20 May 2007 (English version)

Europe: Integration and/or Fragmentation? 22-23 June, Ljubljana (English version)

Petitions: the Campaign against the project 'Batak as a Place of Memory' (English version)

Call for Applications: CAS 2007-2008 Fellowship Programme (English version)

Fall Training Sessions: CEU's Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) (English version)

CFP: 'Alternative Expressions of the Numinous' Conference, 17 - 19 August 2007 (English version)

Fellowships in socio-political economy and poverty: short research visits at CEPS, Luxemburg (English version)

Fellowships in the field of international relations/ European integration. ELIAMEP (Greece) (English version)

CFP: "Nationalism, East and West:Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood", April 2008 (English version)

Fellowships in the Social Sciences and Humanities 2008-2009 (English version)

14th International Summer School in Cognitive Sciences (English version)

PhD Fellowships "Gender as a category of Knowledge" (English version)

Call for Papers: Distinktion, Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory (English version)

CfP: 10th Annual Kokkalis Graduate Student Workshop (English version)

Go8 European Fellowships (English version)

Virtual Knowledge Studio, second 3-month Postdoctoral Fellowship (English version)

Call for Publications: Valahian Journal of Historical Studies (English version)

Call for Papers: Self-Representation and Public Culture of the Balkan Urban Classes (English version)

Postdoctoral research grant in History of Science (English version)

"Southeastern Europe", a new interdisciplinary academic journal (English version)

"Emotion, Space and Society" (English version)

Seventeenth Round Tabel "Memory and Forgetfulness" (English version)

Centre for Social Studies Scholarships Applications (English version)

Two PhD-positions at the University of Amsterdam (English version)

10 Postdoctoral Fellowships for Academic Year 2008/2009 (English version)

38rth World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (English version)

Junior and Senior Residential Fellowships of Koc University (English version)

ISRP Scholarships for Young Researchers (English version)

Postgraduate Studentships in Philosophy and History & Philosophy of Science (English version)

Call for Papers "Perspectives from the Periphery" (English version)

European University Institute invites applications for its PhD Programme (English version)

Summer School in Methods and Techniques in Political Sciences (English version)

Summer Institute on Conducting Archival Research (SICAR) (English version)

Mellon Research Fellowships 2008-2009 (English version)

Training Programme: Early Independence For Post-Docs (English version)

Fellowships in the Study of Culture (English version)

Fellowships in European and International Tax Law (English version)

"East-Central Europe in the Cold War 1945-1989" (English version)

Scholarship at the Graduate Program in Philosophy Taught in English (English version)

PhD Bursaries in EU Politics & Contemporary History (English version)

"System changes of South East European societies: Social, political and demographic consequences" (English version)

Second Call for Applications for CAS fellowships (English version)

Paul Celan Fellowships for Translators 2008 / 2009 (English version)

Faculty position in the field of Ottoman Studies (English version)

"Cultural, Political and Religious Ideologies and the Appraisal of New Media" (English version)

"Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe: ..." (English version)

Aleksanteri Institute Visiting Scholar Programme for Post-Docs (English version)

PhD Scholarship Opportunity in Archaeology & Ancient History (English version)

3rd Konitsa Summer School in Anthropology, Ethnography and Comparative Folklore of the Balkans (English version)

"New forms of human rights and civic engagement in the 21st century" (English version)

"Does the Past Matter?" (English version)

"Economic and Social Inequalities in Historical Perspective" (English version)

Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945 (English version)

Vacant position in the editorial board of Graduate Journal of Social Science (English version)

"The Making of the Humanities" (English version)

Prolongation of Deadline: Call for Shaken Order Project (English version)

2008-2009 EUROPA FELLOWSHIPS PROGRAM (English version)

Европейска библиография за славистични и Източно-европейски изследвания (Bulgarian version)

European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES) (English version)

Professor of Organizational Sociology (English version)

HUMANICUS Call for Papers and Reviewers (English version)

"Transformation and the Dynamics of (Radical) Change: Insights from Political Theory and Philosophy" (English version)

Graduate School Image and Time - Announcement of 12Scholarships (English version)

Research mobility scheme: CEU-HESP Comparative History Project (English version)

ЦАИ търси координатор "Международни програми и проекти" (Bulgarian version)

Coordinator "International Programmes and Projects" (English version)

"Freedom and Democracy: European Perceptions, European Perspectives" (English version)

The Woodrow Wilson International Center 2009-2010 Fellowship competition. (English version)

Comparative and Continental Philosophy Journal (English version)

"Social Behaviour and Family Strategies in the Balkans (16th - 20th Centuries)" (English version)

Postdoctoral researchers and Professorship in Contemporary Social Studies (English version)

Call for Papers: Journal Southeastern Europe (English version)

Call for Participants "Markets as Networks" (English version)

Tenth Anniversary of the Cold War Research Group--Bulgaria (English version)

"Representing Political Figures in Mass Media (XVIIIth – XXIst century)" (English version)

NEC Fellowships for 2009-10 academic year (English version)

Call for Papers: "Religion, Secularism and Nationhood" (English version)

Scientific co-operation between research groups in Switzerland and Eastern Europe (English version)

"United Europe - Divided Memory" and "Religion and Secularism" (English version)

"The Ghosts of the Past: everyday life 20 years after the Fall of Communism" (English version)

(English version)

CAS (English version)

Call for Papers: Cold War Interactions Reconsidered (English version)

Call for Applications: Regimes of Historicity Project (English version)

2010 - 2011 Fulbright Grants Competition (English version)

"Post-Communism and the New European Identity" (English version)

The Branding of Post-Communist Nations (Edited Volume) (English version)

"Regime Change and Transitions across the Danubian Region: 1989 – 2009" (English version)

"Beyond Hatred, Beyond Nostalgia" (English version)

Postdoc Position at the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (English version)

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: Fellowships 2010-2011 (English version)

Advanced Academia Programme (English version)

"Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning" (English version)

Call for papers: "Tito: Perceptions and Interpretations" (English version)

Group of Eight (Go8) European Fellowships 2010 (English version)

Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program (English version)

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2010 - 2011 (English version)

Call for Papers for the XVIth European Forum of Young Legal Historians (English version)

"Biography and Identity: Dilemmas and Opportunities" (English version)

ISRP Scholarships for Young Researchers / Spring 2010 (English version)

International Doctoral Program in Social Sciences 2010 (English version)

2011 - 2012 FULBRIGHT Grants Competition (English version)

"Applied and Experimental Philosophy in Knowledge Based Society (East and West)" (English version)

Scholarships for Balkan students at the Postgraduate Programme in South-East European Studies (English version)

Balkan Heritage Field School Projects in 2010 (English version)

Independent Fellowship Programme in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (English version)

Five-month Research Fellowship for Postdocs (English version)

Senior Fellowships of the Jennings Randolph (JR) Program (English version)

Visegrad Scholarship at the Open Society Archives (English version)

Research Fellowships 2011 in Social History (English version)

Visiting Fellowships in Human Rights (English version)

"Invisible Frontiers in Post-Ottoman Cities: Edirne-Niṣ" (English version)

Postdoctoral Fellowships at the European University Institute (English version)

G-local Cosmopolitanism: the Social responsibility of the Academic, the Artist, and the Media (English version)

CRASSH's Visiting Fellowships (English version)

Call For Papers: The Balkans in the Cold War (English version)

Polonsky Postdoctoral Fellowships (English version)

Residential Fellowship program for the 2011-2012 (English version)

Fellowship Programme for 2010/11 for Young Scholars from Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

Five Postdoctoral Fellowships (English version)

"Rechtskulturen: Confrontations Beyond Comparison" (English version)

Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships (English version)

Mellon Research Fellowships in Turkey for 2011-2012 (English version)

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Political Theory/Philosophy (English version)

Studienkolleg zu Berlin 2011/12 - Call for Applications (English version)

"Жените, които управляват най-голямата машина сътворена някога от човека" (Bulgarian version)

Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program (English version)

Bogliasco Fellowships for Research and Creative visits in Italy (English version)

Call for applications Fine Art, Design and Theory (English version)

Тwo doctoral conferences in European Historical Dictatorship (English version)

"Inequality and Diversity in European Rural Areas" (English version)

Residential fellowships for advanced study (English version)

12 Research Fellowships (FRIAS School of History) (English version)

"Crisis: Interruptions, Reactions and Continuities in Central and Eastern Europe" (English version)

"Urban Development and Politics in Europe and Russia" (English version)

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities (English version)

Call for Papers: "Depiction and Construction of the "Other": Islamic Cities in the Eyes of European Travellers" (English version)

Call for Papers: "The Balkans: Past, Present and Future Prospects" (English version)

Fellowships 2012/13 "Work and Life Course in Global History" (English version)

Franklin Research Grants (English version)

Свободен достъп до някои от архивите на JSTOR (Bulgarian version)

JSTOR content freely available to the public for reading and downloading (English version)

Free on-line collection of feminist texts from Europe (English version)

New Europe College announces the competition for Fellowships for the academic year 2012-13. (English version)

Short-Term Grants for international doctoral candidates (English version)

"The History of Southeast Europe. From the Early Middle Ages to the Present" (English version)

Postdoctoral and Doctoral Fellowships in Russian and East-european Studies (English version)

Senior and Junior Fellowships CEU - Institute for Advanced Study (English version)

The PAUL CELAN Fellowship 2012/2013 for translators (English version)

Call for Papers: Sociology Mind (English version)

"Communism, Nationalism and State Building in Post-War Europe" (English version)

"Economic, Political and Social Crisis in the EU: Challenges and Opportunities” (English version)

"Need To Know II: Lessons Learned" (English version)

Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (English version)

"Addressing Qualitz of Work in Europe" (English version)

"Regions of Memory. A Comparative Perspective on Eastern Europe" (English version)

Серия от лекции на Американския изследователски център в София и покана за участие в конференция (Bulgarian version)

Centre for the Humanities announces calls for fellowships (English version)

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities and Humanistic Sciences (English version)

"Социалните мрежи в Югоизточна Европа, XV–XIX век" (Bulgarian version)

"Social Networking in South-Eastern Europe, 15th–19th Centuries" (English version)

CEU-IAS Fellowships, Budapest (English version)

"Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe" (English version)

Three Junior Fellowships for historians of Eastern Europe (English version)

The Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena offers long-term Fellowships (English version)

Deadline: A programme for future European leaders in the fields of science, business, politics, culture and administration (English version)

Международна научна конференция по социални науки 2013 (Bulgarian version)

International Academic Conference on Social Sciences IACSS 2013 (English version)

13th International Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

"Rebellion and Protest from Maribor to Taksim. Social Movements in the Balkans" (English version)

"Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History" Fellowships (English version)

“Digital Creativity in Times of Crisis: Bulgarian Networked Culture in Global Contexts” (English version)

New Europe College International Fellowships (English version)

Фонд „Стипендии” на програмата за научен обмен между Швейцария и България (Bulgarian version)

"Collective vs Collected Memories. 1989-1991 from an Oral History Perspective" (English version)

Call for Papers: "Religious and Sexual Nationalism in Eastern Europe: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives" (English version)

Call for Papers: "Social, Cultural, Ethnic, Religious Identities in Communism" (English version)

"Размиване на границите: Експертни полета и пространства на намеса в производството на колективно/хибридно знание" (Bulgarian version)

"Blurring the Boundaries: Fields of Expertise and Spaces of Intervention in Collective/Hybrid Knowledge Production" (English version)

2015 - 2016 EURIAS Fellowship Programme (English version)

Call for Papers: 22nd International Conference of Europeanists (English version)

"Epistemologies of In-Betweenness: East Central Europe and the World History of Social Science, 1890-1945" (English version)

New Europe College International Fellowships (English version)

International Conference "Town and Country in the Byzantine World: Social and Economic Perspectives" (English version)

Fellowships Imre Kertész Kolleg 2015-16 (Jena) (English version)

3 Visiting Fellowships. The Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel (English version)

"Democratization and nationalism in Europe, 1870-1920" (English version)

Program for visiting scholars at the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2016) (English version)

Doctoral Programme of the European University Institute (English version)

1956, Resistance and Cultural Opposition in East Central Europe (English version)

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Russian and East European Studies (English version)

"Alternative Religiosities in the Communist East-Central Europe" (English version)

Imre Kertész Kolleg Fellowships for 2017 (English version)

Международна конференция "Културното наследство в миграция" (Bulgarian version)

International conference "Cultural Heritage in Migration" (English version)

"The personal and emotional dimension of nationhood in European history (19th century to WWII)" (English version)

Imre Kertész Kolleg in Jena offers Fellowships for the academic year 2018-2019 (English version)

Стипендии за докторанти и магистри по сравнителна история към Централно-европейския университет (Bulgarian version)

Call for Applications: PhD and MA Scholarships in Comparative History (CEU, Budapest) (English version)

Международна конференция: "Великите идеи" на Балканите (18 - 20 век) (Bulgarian version)

New CAS Fellowship Programme for Bulgarian Scholars (English version)

Покана конференция: "От запад на изток: метаморфозите на дискурса в Европа (Bulgarian version)

Call for Applications: From West to East: Metamorphoses of Discourses in Europe (English version)

Стипендиантска програма: "Демокрацията и върховенството на закона в Европа" (Bulgarian version)

Подготовка за докторантура в Leibniz ScienceCampus в Регенсбург (Bulgarian version)

Стипендии за визуални артисти и писатели на Институт за академични изследвания, CEU (Bulgarian version)

Покана за конференция: "Околна среда, територия, мобилност" (Bulgarian version)

PhD scholarship in China's Relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

18-та годишна историческа и археологическа конференция: От Древността до модерните времена (Bulgarian version)

18th Annual International Conference on History & Archaeology: From Ancient to Modern (English version)

Стипендии за подкрепа на изследователски пътувания на учени от Югоизточна Европа (Bulgarian version)

Докторантски стипендии на Института за изследване на Югоизточна Европа в Регенсбург (Bulgarian version)

PhD scholarships of the GS OSES at Universität Regensburg (English version)

Краткосрочни стипендии на Института за политически науки, Полша (Bulgarian version)

Покана за участие: "Социалистическите държави и международното право в съвременния свят" (Bulgarian version)


Call for Papers: Historocal Workshop (English version)

"От имиграционна политика към миграционно управление" (Bulgarian version)

"From Immigration Politics to Migration Management" (English version)

Европейската научна фондация финансира международна конференция (Bulgarian version)

Call for Proposals - ESF Research Conferences 2008 (English version)

"Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe 1770-1945" (English version)

"Global Labor History and the Question of Freedom and Unfreedom" (English version)

Call for Papers: "Nation, Community, and the State" (English version)

"Globalization, Digitization, Access, and Preservation of Cultural Heritage" (English version)

Andrew W. Mellon East-Central European Research Visiting Fellowships (English version)

Стипендиантска програма в областта на медийните изследвания, 2007-2008 г. (Bulgarian version)

Visiting Fellows Program in Media Studies (English version)

Deadline for Call for Papers: "Beyond the Nation?" (English version)

"Дисциплини и граници: Хуманитарните науки в интердисциплинарни времена" (Bulgarian version)

"Disciplines and Borders: Humanities research in an age of interdisciplinarity" (English version)

The Max Planck Postdoctoral Fellowships: Call for Applications (English version)

"Градски артефакти: Видове, практики, циркулации" (Bulgarian version)

"Urban Artefacts: Types, Practices, Circulations" (English version)

Applications for funded visits of up to three months (English version)

22nd Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (English version)

Summer Course "Culture and Cognition" (English version)

Deadline: Mellon Research Fellowships in Turkey (English version)

Семинар: "Съвременната философия" (Bulgarian version)

New Philosophy Seminar at Sofia University (English version)

Deadline: "Divorce, Women and Families in the Balkans (XVIIIth-XXth centuries)" (English version)

Deadline: Labouring Feminism and Feminist Working-Class History in Europe and Beyond (English version)

Deadline: European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) (English version)

Registration Deadline. Europe: Integration and/or Fragmentation? 22-23 June, Ljubljana (English version)

Deadline for application: CAS 2007 - 2008 Fellowship Programme (English version)

Upcoming Deadline for CRC's Fall 2007 Sessions (English version)

Deadline:'Alternative Expressions of the Numinous' Conference (English version)

Deadline: Fellowships in socio-political economy, short research visits at CEPS, Luxemburg (English version)

Deadline: Fellowships in the field of international relations/ European integration. ELIAMEP (Greece) (English version)

Deadline of CFP: "Nationalism, East and West:Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood" (English version)

Deadline: Fellowships in the Social Sciences and Humanities 2008-2009 (English version)

14th International Summer School in Cognitive Sciences (English version)

Deadline: PhD Fellowships "Gender as a category of Knowledge" (English version)

Deadline for Call for Papers: "Distinktion" (English version)

CfP Deadline: 10th Annual Kokkalis Graduate Student Workshop (English version)

Deadline: Go8 European Fellowships (English version)

Deadline: Virtual Knowledge Studio, second 3-month Postdoctoral Fellowship (English version)

Call for Publications Deadline: Valahian Journal of Historical Studies (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: Self-Representation and Public Culture of the Balkan Urban Classes (English version)

Deadline: Postdoctoral research grant in History of Science (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "Emotion, Space and Society" (English version)

CfP Deadline: Seventeenth Round Tabel "Memory and Forgetfulness" (English version)

Deadline: Centre for Social Studies Scholarships Applications (English version)

Deadline: Two PhD-positions at the University of Amsterdam (English version)

Deadline: 10 Postdoctoral Fellowships for Academic Year 2008/2009 (English version)

38rth World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (English version)

Deadline: Junior and Senior Residential Fellowships of Koc University (English version)

Deadline: ISRP Scholarships for Young Researchers (English version)

Deadline: Postgraduate Studentships in Philosophy and History & Philosophy of Science (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline "Perspectives from the Periphery" (English version)

European University Institute invites applications for its PhD Programme (English version)

Deadline: Summer School in Methods and Techniques in Political Sciences (English version)

Deadline: Summer Institute on Conducting Archival Research (SICAR) (English version)

Deadline: Mellon Research Fellowships 2008-2009 (English version)

Training Programme Deadline: Early Independence For Post-Docs (English version)

Deadline: Fellowships in the Study of Culture (English version)

Fellowships Deadline in European and International Tax Law (English version)

Deadline: "East-Central Europe in the Cold War 1945-1989" (English version)

Deadline: PhD Bursaries in EU Politics & Contemporary History (English version)

Deadline: "System changes of South East European societies:..." (English version)

Deadline: Second Call for Applications for CAS fellowships (English version)

Deadline: Paul Celan Fellowships for Translators 2008 / 2009 (English version)

Deadline: "Cultural, Political and Religious Ideologies and the Appraisal of New Media" (English version)

Deadline: "Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe: ..." (English version)

Deadline: Aleksanteri Institute Visiting Scholar Programme for Post-Docs (English version)

Deadline: 3rd Konitsa Summer School in Anthropology (English version)

CfAppl Deadline: "New forms of human rights and civic engagement in the 21st century" (English version)

Deadline: "Economic and Social Inequalities in Historical Perspective" (English version)

Deadline: Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945 (English version)

Deadline: "The Making of the Humanities" (English version)

Prolongation of Deadline: Call for Shaken Order Project (English version)

Deadline: 2008-2009 EUROPA FELLOWSHIPS PROGRAM (English version)

Deadline: Professor of Organizational Sociology (English version)

Deadline: HUMANICUS Call for Papers and Reviewers (English version)

Deadline: "Transformation and the Dynamics of (Radical) Change: Insights from Political Theory and Philosophy" (English version)

Deadline: Graduate School Image and Time - Announcement of 12Scholarships (English version)

Research mobility scheme Deadline: CEU-HESP Comparative History Project (English version)

Краен срок: ЦАИ търси координатор "Международни програми и проекти" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: Coordinator "International Programmes and Projects" (English version)

Deadline: "Freedom and Democracy: European Perceptions, European Perspectives" (English version)

Deadline: Woodrow Wilson 2009-2010 Fellowship competition (English version)

Conference "Markets as Networks" (English version)

Tenth Anniversary of the Cold War Research Group--Bulgaria (English version)

"Representing Political Figures in Mass Media (XVIIIth – XXIst century)" (English version)

Deadline: NEC Fellowships for 2009-10 academic year (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "Religion, Secularism and Nationhood" (English version)

Deadline: Scientific co-operation between research groups in Switzerland and Eastern Europe (English version)

Deadline: "The Ghosts of the Past: everyday life 20 years after the Fall of Communism" (English version)

Deadline: Visiting Research Fellowships (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: Cold War Interactions Reconsidered (English version)

(English version)

Deadline: 2010 - 2011 Fulbright Grants Competition (English version)

Deadline: "Post-Communism and the New European Identity" (English version)

Deadeline: The Branding of Post-Communist Nations (Edited Volume) (English version)

Deadline: "Regime Change and Transitions across the Danubian Region: 1989 – 2009" (English version)

"Beyond Hatred, Beyond Nostalgia" (English version)

Deadline: Postdoc Position at the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (English version)

Deadline: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Fellowships 2010-2011 (English version)

Deadline: Advanced Academia Programme (English version)

Deadline: "Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning" (English version)

Deadline: "Tito: Perceptions and Interpretations" (English version)

Deadline: Group of Eight (Go8) European Fellowships 2010 (English version)

Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program (English version)

Deadline: Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2010 - 2011 (English version)

Deadline for the XVIth European Forum of Young Legal Historians (English version)

Deadline: "Biography and Identity: Dilemmas and Opportunities" (English version)

Deadline: ISRP Scholarships for Young Researchers / Spring 2010 (English version)

International Doctoral Program in Social Sciences 2010 (English version)

Deadline: 2011 - 2012 FULBRIGHT Grants Competition (English version)

"Applied and Experimental Philosophy in Knowledge Based Society (East and West)" (English version)

Deadline: Scholarships for Balkan students at the Postgraduate Programme in South-East European Studies (English version)

Independent Fellowship Programme in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (English version)

Deadline: Five-month Research Fellowship for Postdocs (English version)

Deadline: Senior Fellowships of the Jennings Randolph (JR) Program (English version)

Deadline: Visegrad Scholarship at the Open Society Archives (English version)

Deadline: Research Fellowships 2011 in Social History (English version)

Deadline: Visiting Fellowships in Human Rights (English version)

"Invisible Frontiers in Post-Ottoman Cities: Edirne-Niṣ" (English version)

Deadline: Postdoctoral Fellowships at the European University Institute (English version)

G-local Cosmopolitanism: the Social responsibility of the Academic, the Artist, and the Media (English version)

Deadline: CRASSH's Visiting Fellowships (English version)

Call For Papers Deadline: The Balkans in the Cold War (English version)

Deadline: Polonsky Postdoctoral Fellowships (English version)

Deadline: Residential Fellowship program for the 2011-2012 (English version)

Deadline: Fellowship Programme for 2010/11 for Young Scholars from Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

Deadline: Five Postdoctoral Fellowships (English version)

Deadline: "Rechtskulturen: Confrontations Beyond Comparison" (English version)

Deadline: Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships (English version)

Deadline: Mellon Research Fellowships in Turkey for 2011-2012 (English version)

Deadline: Postdoctoral Fellowships in Political Theory/Philosophy (English version)

Studienkolleg zu Berlin 2011/12 - Call for Applications Deadline (English version)

"Жените, които управляват най-голямата машина сътворена някога от човека" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: Bogliasco Fellowships for Research and Creative visits in Italy (English version)

Call for applications Deadline: Fine Art, Design and Theory (English version)

Тwo doctoral conferences in European Historical Dictatorship (English version)

Deadline: "Inequality and Diversity in European Rural Areas" (English version)

Deadline: Residential fellowships for advanced study (English version)

Deadline: 12 Research Fellowships (FRIAS School of History) (English version)

Deadline: "Crisis: Interruptions, Reactions and Continuities in Central and Eastern Europe" (English version)

Deadline: "Urban Development and Politics in Europe and Russia" (English version)

Deadline: Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "Depiction and Construction of the "Other": Islamic Cities in the Eyes of European Travellers" (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: "The Balkans: Past, Present and Future Prospects" (English version)

Deadline: Fellowships 2012/13 "Work and Life Course in Global History" (English version)

Deadline: Franklin Research Grants (English version)

Deadline: New Europe College announces the competition for Fellowships for the academic year 2012-13. (English version)

Deadline: Short-Term Grants for international doctoral candidates (English version)

Deadline: Postdoctoral and Doctoral Fellowships in Russian and East-european Studies (English version)

Deadline: Senior and Junior Fellowships CEU - Institute for Advanced Study (English version)

Deadline: The PAUL CELAN Fellowship 2012/2013 for translators (English version)

(English version)

Deadline: "Communism, Nationalism and State Building in Post-War Europe" (English version)

Deadline: "Economic, Political and Social Crisis in the EU: Challenges and Opportunities” (English version)

Deadline: "Need To Know II: Lessons Learned" (English version)

Deadline: Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (English version)

Deadline: "Addressing Quality of Work in Europe" (English version)

Deadline: "Regions of Memory. A Comparative Perspective on Eastern Europe" (English version)

"Гърци и траки на Западните понтийски брегове" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities and Humanistic Sciences (English version)

"Социалните мрежи в Югоизточна Европа, XV–XIX век" (Bulgarian version)

"Social Networking in South-Eastern Europe, 15th–19th Centuries" (English version)

Deadline: CEU-IAS Fellowships, Budapest (English version)

Deadline: "Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe" (English version)

Deadline: Three Junior Fellowships for historians of Eastern Europe (English version)

(English version)

A programme for future European leaders in the fields of science, business, politics, culture and administration (English version)

Краен срок: Международна научна конференция по социални науки 2013 (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: International Academic Conference on Social Sciences IACSS 2013 (English version)

Deadline: 13th International Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

"Rebellion and Protest from Maribor to Taksim. Social Movements in the Balkans" (English version)

Deadline: "Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History" Fellowships (English version)

“Digital Creativity in Times of Crisis: Bulgarian Networked Culture in Global Contexts” (English version)

Deadline: New Europe College International Fellowships (English version)

Краен срок: Фонд „Стипендии” на програмата за научен обмен между Швейцария и България (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Collective vs Collected Memories. 1989-1991 from an Oral History Perspective" (English version)

Call for Papers: "Religious and Sexual Nationalism in Eastern Europe: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives" (English version)

Deadline: "Social, Cultural, Ethnic, Religious Identities in Communism" (English version)

"Размиване на границите: Експертни полета и пространства на намеса в производството на колективно/хибридно знание" (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: "Blurring the Boundaries: Fields of Expertise and Spaces of Intervention in Collective/Hybrid Knowledge Production" (English version)

Deadline: 2015 - 2016 EURIAS Fellowship Programme (English version)

Call for Papers Deadline: 22nd International Conference of Europeanists (English version)

Deadline: "Epistemologies of In-Betweenness: East Central Europe and the World History of Social Science, 1890-1945" (English version)

Deadline: New Europe College International Fellowships (English version)

International Conference "Town and Country in the Byzantine World: Social and Economic Perspectives" (English version)

Deadline: Fellowships Imre Kertész Kolleg 2015-16 (Jena) (English version)

3 Visiting Fellowships. The Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel (English version)

Deadline: "Democratization and nationalism in Europe, 1870-1920" (English version)

Program for visiting scholars at the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2016) (English version)

Doctoral Programme of the European University Institute (English version)

Deadline: 1956, Resistance and Cultural Opposition in East Central Europe (English version)

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Russian and East European Studies (English version)

"Alternative Religiosities in the Communist East-Central Europe" (English version)

Imre Kertész Kolleg Fellowships for 2017 (English version)

Международна конференция "Културното наследство в миграция" (Bulgarian version)

International conference "Cultural Heritage in Migration" (English version)

"The personal and emotional dimension of nationhood in European history (19th century to WWII)" (English version)

Imre Kertész Kolleg in Jena offers Fellowships for the academic year 2018-2019 (English version)

Стипендии за докторанти и магистри по сравнителна история към Централно-европейския университет (Bulgarian version)

Call for Applications: PhD and MA Scholarships in Comparative History (CEU, Budapest) (English version)

Международна конференция: "Великите идеи" на Балканите (18 - 20 век) (Bulgarian version)

New CAS Fellowship Programme for Bulgarian Scholars (English version)

Покана конференция: "От запад на изток: метаморфозите на дискурса в Европа (Bulgarian version)

Call for Applications: From West to East: Metamorphoses of Discourses in Europe (English version)

Стипендиантска програма: "Демокрацията и върховенството на закона в Европа" (Bulgarian version)

Подготовка за докторантура в Leibniz ScienceCampus в Регенсбург (Bulgarian version)

Стипендии за визуални артисти и писатели на Институт за академични изследвания, CEU (Bulgarian version)

43 Годишна конференция на Ирландското общество за руски, централно- и източено-еврепейски изследвания (Bulgarian version)

PhD scholarship in China's Relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (English version)

18-та годишна историческа и археологическа конференция: От Древността до модерните времена (Bulgarian version)

18th Annual International Conference on History & Archaeology: From Ancient to Modern (English version)

Стипендии за подкрепа на изследователски пътувания на учени от Югоизточна Европа (Bulgarian version)

Краен срок: Докторантски стипендии на Института за изследване на Югоизточна Европа в Регенсбург (Bulgarian version)

Deadline: PhD scholarships of the GS OSES at Universität Regensburg (English version)

Краен срок: Краткосрочни стипендии на Института за политически науки, Полша (Bulgarian version)

Покана за участие: "Социалистическите държави и международното право в съвременния свят" (Bulgarian version)

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Created by Netage.bg.